
OMG my hamster?

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omg my hamster has a huge lump on her side, its furry except for the top witch looks cut and scratched. is it a tumor!? what could it be? im scared! i cant take her to the vet bc there are no vets around here that take hamsters! is she in pain? she seems to be acting normally.




  1. I have a dog and he has a fatty tumor. I know hamsters and dogs are completely different animals but this sould work. try putting a hot compress (not to hot) were the bump is. maybe you can get some puss out of it and it will shrink. It worked for my dog.

    Good Luck!

  2. I saw it... you are beside me right now

  3. I am not completely sure. but it might just be a bad infection does it squeal or flinch when you touch it? if it does you need to take it to a vet and fast!

  4. if its a pink lump and its visable, or unvisalbe and hard. is a turmor


    good luck little hamster!

  5. If she seems fine then it may just be a fatty bump...relax but if she starts look bad take her to the vet..

  6. Ugh dont mind the girls above , I had a hamter a few years ago. If there are scraches on it i would take it to the place you bought it from and have them look at it, if that doenst work then just wait awhile because it may die down, my dog had a lump on its side and it went away in about a week or two.

    Good Luck to You!

  7. Its hard to know exactly what the lump is. Do you have any other hamsters that may have bit her? Maybe its an allergic reaction to the food/bedding and shes scratched to much. Try switching the bedding to another brand (aspen is the best) and the food to something else sorry I can't be much help hope she gets better and its nothing serious

  8. the only thing you can do is take her to the vet, thats the only way you'll know what the lump is, hamsters are known to get cancer, my last hamster got cancer, if you can catch it the cancer in time and get the tumor takin care of, you might beable to save your hamster...good luck!
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