
OMG my mom found condoms in my purse!!! help me!!

by  |  earlier

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last night i left to go for a walk and left my comp logged on, she went through my aim conversations and found out i got high and then she went through my purse and found condoms now she wont let me see my bf!!!!!!!! and today is the only day he has off work so i can see him =(




  1. your screwed .

  2. um well u could try to tell her that even though ur having s*x ur at least using condoms and that ur being really responsible and that u wont drink again sorry i don't no what to tell u ur kind of in a situation that sucks

  3. how old are you??

  4. hahhaha you stupiidddd.

    tell her that your friend was on the computer.

    and then tell her that you got those condoms from a friend at school.  

  5. Well, that must have been a huge shock to your mother. i mean, she wants to protect you, and she may think that you're too young to be having s*x. but in my opnion, i think she should be happy that you're using protection. i mean, you could be just having unportected s*x. and the whole getting high thing, that will take w hile to earn back her trust.. butyour mother totally invaded your privacy by going through your purse and your aim. just give her time, and if you feel comfortable enough, pull her aside and talk to her. be mature about it, and if she still says you cant see your bf, then just be calm.. she'll come around. good luck.

  6. I obviously can see your under 18. I'm...NOT gonna help you. Why the h**l are you getting stoned if your younger than 18!? Why are you carrying condoms? You should be smart enough to say, "no". I'm tired of these teens nowadays.

  7. wow. that sounds really bad... wait until you gain back her trust, and then ask her if you can see him again.

  8. How old are you? If your under the legal age, then she's right not to allow you to see your boyfriend.

    Having got high, that's a perfect reason for her not allow you to see your boyfriend! You've shown that you cannot be trusted to behave.

  9. Your boyfriend doesnt really care about you, then. My boyfriend took the condoms from me because he knew he would be in less/no trouble if he got caught with them.  I, on the other hand....

    Make him take care of them from now on.

    Stop doing drugs, stop having s*x.  your body and emotions are still developing and you're s******g yourself up

  10. You're gunna have to wait to see your boyfriend sweetie. Don't push it by begging your mom to go see him. That will only make things worse. You have to be careful during these times. If you can't tell your mother what's going on in your life, then you should be more careful in how you're hiding them. Also since you can't erase time, you should just talk to her tell her everything and tell her you'll tell her everything from now on. That way she can regain your trust.

  11. F*** ur mom go hang out with ur boyfriend and have all the s** you want!

  12. Are you over the legal age limit? If so it isnt quite as bad. However if you are not, then... Cuba beckons!

  13. Okay, no offense, but you did this to yourself.

    Your mother has EVERY right to do this to you...its her house and she can do whatever she wants. You are pretty disrespectful for doing drugs and having s*x. She won't trust you for a long time and you deserve it.

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