
OMG some people are answering your yahoo answers rudly y?

by  |  earlier

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i ask so many questions and i get soo many rude answers




  1. Don't feel bad. I know what you mean. People can be so childish. I guess they just don't have anything better to do than to be hateful to others. It must make them feel good.

    Oh well,

    I hope you have a great day! I hope you don't encounter any more rude ones on here! ;)

  2. I don't intend to be rude...sometimes flippant...or sarcastic...I give a smart behind perspective...and I try not to be outright rude...except if the question is did God eat a gotta get smart with a question like that.

  3. Because there is no shortage of dumb & inconsiderate people in this world.  Ignore them.

    There are plenty of people who answer with legitimate rsponses.  Don't let the knuckleheads ruin this service!

  4. because people are ignorant and expect you know the answers you are asking.  plus its easy free points.

  5. Ok so now you're hating on me... Because I chose "winterpixles" side in this whole war thing going on between you.  

    O and the answer you did answer of mine... saying "I hate u u idiot who doesnt like swimming"  I did not say I didnt like swimming, just not a fave of mine. Dont be hating on me for not liking swimming. But whatever your opinion, but im still sure you only answered like that because of "winterpixle" and your war goin on.

    O and incase you also didnt realize, I answered a few of your questions, nicely.


  7. im sorry i get the same but yes there are still many stupid people out there that think that they have the best answers they are way to smart and are ahead of the game but they are not even close if yahoo was givin out an award for being rude and stupid people like you and me could get a good answer because all the stupid one would be standing in line waiting for that paper witha stamp with there name on it so cheer up and pay no mind make a joke about it that works 4 me

  8. normally I get a mix of good and bad...people tend to get brave because they are not facing real people they think...just a computer screen...wrong! then there are some that ask rude questions ...i dunno i try to steer clear of both

  9. I know what you mean :(

  10. it's there way of having fun just ignore them if they know it bothers you they will only make it worse on you

  11. cuz some people have nothing better to do but to trash talk others and get away with it

  12. Maybe your asking the wrong questions. Some things are better left off the internet, just a suggestion.

  13. I don't understand why you are insisting on continuing this petty war that you have going on. Becky hasn't done ANYTHING to you. She did choose to tell you her opinion on a certain matter regarding your response to my questions, but she isn't the one who started this feud. YOU ARE!! So you need to leave her alone, and deal with me one-on-one. I will show and tell you some things that I am sure you do NOT want to hear!!! And I can tell that Becky is waaaayyyyy more mature than you because she did answer some of your questions in a nice, and respectful way, which is more than you deserve!! I wish you would let this whole matter drop so that we can ALL get on with our lives!! For God's sakes, it was only my opinion to one of your questions!! You're acting like someone has hit you, and now you want retribution for it. Well, I am sorry, but you have come to the wrong place. Stop being so childish, and GROW UP!!

  14. Just some stupid idiots out there

  15. I'm sorry!

    People are mean. That's why I won't ask anything....

    I know they will be mean!


  16. yeah me 2.

  17. lol much is life honey

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