
OMG the screws don't match!!!?

by  |  earlier

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With all the talk of adoptees not having the pool, pony, and tiara lately, I thought y'all might enjoy a little laugh. My husband and I are putting together the (used) bed in our kids' room. We came up three screws short, so hubby ran to Home Depot for replacements. He walked in and said, "they had them, but there's a problem. The screws we have are black, and the only ones Home Depot had are gold." Oh, I laid into him. "I can't BELIEVE you! Do you know how much our kids are going to HATE us now, because the screws on their bed don't match???" He chased me around the house trying to tickle me. He's evil! Evil, I tell you!

Oh, THEN, you're not going to beleive this!!! I got into the bag, and the other part to the s***w is SILVER!!! Wow, now our kids are REALLY going to hate us. We're going to be horrible parents! Not only are we not supplying a pool, pony, or tiarra, not to mention college tuition, but now, we can't even match up the screws!!! LOL




  1. Sounds like these kids are gonna have a really fun and wacky family to be part of and loved.  Good for you!!  Keep enjoying life and having humor in everything.  And as for Jenny Craig or whatever the suggestion was...whatever!  Only a loser would even say anything like that so mean!

  2. I think it is proof you are a mulit-s***w family and will be better able to meet the needs of any s***w by offering your screws the same opportunity to be part of the bed.

  3. What a brat treatau is/ LAME.

    i thought your story was funny. Thanks for sharing. I've got mismatched screws too!

  4. Gaia,

    I like your profile picture MUCH better than your old avatar. Good for you for posting it and for reacting the way you did to Treateau or whatever her name is. You rock!

    Great story, too.  :)

  5. OMG they are going to need intensive therapy for the rest of their lives now Shame on you

    How dare you not match the screws on their beds !

  6. Hah!  Great story.  Save that one and share it down the road!

  7. Your question is all screwed up. But it just proves that us AP's are normal parents.

    My kid doesn't have a pony either!

  8. you are just evil dare u mismatch a s***

  9. Heck I had to marry a cowboy in order to get the ponies.  We have water tanks out here.  Does that pass for a pool?  In the cowboy world it does.  I don't do tiaras.

  10. If they even notice they don't match....

    it's all over now. lol

  11. Im sure they wont mind if the screws dont match...

  12. You are soooo in trouble pony, no pool, and multi-colored screws!  Your kids are going to be "screwed" up for life!  : )

    Too funny!  Thanks so much for sharing!

    And PS - everyone should make sure to report Treateu for the insulting rude answer.  : )

  13. Your not normal; or funny. Obviously American.

  14. Oh, now THAT's it, Gaia.  You're family is going to be SCREWED up from this!

    Hee hee.  You gave me a good laugh  ;-)

  15. Good for you, I great sense of humor goes a long way! and a twisted one is even better!

  16. ahhh, a s***w by any other color is still just a s***w.

    very bad shakesphere analogy, sorry.

  17. I would say you are screwed.

  18. I think you're still missing a s***w; or two!

  19. Gaia, I think you have a s***w loose!!!

  20. Not bad at all, I don't think kids need all that, pool, pony, tiara. And the screws not matching, there are a lot of things worse than that. They could have nothing that matches.

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