
OMG what do I do!!!!?????

by  |  earlier

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everyone in the house is asleep, and I'm the only one awake!!! the tornado sirens just came on, and I have terrified of Thunderstorms during the night when I'm trying to get to sleep sleep!!!! I've been up since 1 AM just shaking (it was something my dad did awhile back that got me afraid of T-storms @ I am so scared of them...) I need something to come me down, and if I do hear a tornado coming ('cause my parents don't do anything when they hear a siren...just if they hear it coming, then we take shelter.) then I will be too afraid to get everyone else awake. I mailnly just need something to calm myself down.






  2. Go sleep in your parents room! they will probably wake up when you go in there and you can tell them how frightened you are, If your dad got you afraid well then he should calm you down !!

  3. If there is a tornado coming and everyone else in the house is asleep, why don't you wake them up and seek shelter under your basement with them or if you have'nt got one, inside a closet or bathroom of your parents' room? Then calm yourself down and pray hard.  You cannot avoid a tornado from coming for it's a natural calamity like earthquake and typhoon just be prepared for it and as I said before, pray for it is only God who can control this kind of calamity.

  4. be calm and chat with frnz lyk me LOL

  5. Drink some warm milk. It will be ok and pray. God controls the weather. You'll be ok :)

  6. Panic!!! No, that is not what you do,  but try to relax, after you find a safe place to hide.

  7. If you hear a siren,immediatly wake up everyone in the house,and seek shelter in a closet,or bathroom in the interior of the house.Stay away from the exterior walls,windows,and doors.The safest place is an interior bathroom

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