
OMG whats happening?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so on sunday i slept, quiet a lot *I'm not lazy i was ill* [i woke up at 11 then went back to bed at 12:30 slept till 3 i was awake 3-6 then i slept from 6-8:30ish i couldn't sleep at night] i finally got to sleep at 5am then awake again at 7:50. Tuesday i stayed awake till 11pm and got up 8:30, wednesday i went to sleep around 10:30 and woke up at 5:30. last night i went to sleep before 10pm and woke up at 8. i kept waking up every few hours. whats happening? is it cause i slept so much on sunday?




  1. kinda yes.

    It's because you sleep so much you time has changed.

    You slept bassically all day on sunday so you were not tired at night. Then you went to sleep early in the morning and woke up a lil late.

    So what you need to do is wake up early in the moring and don't sleep until bed time and you sleeping hours will become normal again.

  2. You've just screwed up your sleeping pattern, that's all.

    Try your best to go to bed at a normal time, and just stay in bed until you fall asleep.

    Then, the next morning, no matter how much you don't want to, force yourself to get up and out of bed at the time you regularly would have before your illness, and immediately drink some coffee or wash your face so you don't go back to sleep.

    Good luck.

  3. SO WHAT SEEM TO BE YOUR PROBLEM? You kept waking up every few hours, naturally because our body is not ONLY DESIGNED TO LIE IN BED, we oath to do something with it like working, go to school, do manual work or get ourselves tired is one way of sleeping soundly. AS IN YOUR CASE, as if you are NOT doing anything at all so what do you expect your body like to do but keep you awake all night. DO SOMETHING with your time like watching television, or doing push up or something. Not just lie in bed all day long. Even if a person is ill or sick he or she must walk in the sunshine to replenish her/his health back.

    You never went to hospital of people under convalescent? People on wheelchair by their care giver outside the hospital being stroll out for a sunshine or some air.

    WHAT YOU NEED IS TO GET OUT OF THAT room and out of that bed and do something useful like hobby while you are at it, like flying some kite on your roof perhaps just to get you out of that bed. YOU ARE ALWAYS SLEEPING so what more sleep you still need? NO NEED TO SLEEP but to be active and mingle with your neighbor for instant.

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