
OMGOSH I got rejected by a LOSER... PLEASE HELP ME.. I feel like killing myself?

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SEriouly.. i'm not trying to sound coinceted or w.e but i'm really pretty. Like really hot guys always hit on me. So today, this boy was talking to me, and I wasn't even flirting wit him... hes Italian. Hes cute.. but not hot and then for some reason i started to like him the more I talked to him and then hes was like "well I don't really like you because we don't have a connection"

and l'm like OMGOSH WTF??? and gues what he told my bfff??

he told her that he doesn't like girls that have dark skin?

and I'm like omoghs wtf?? my skin is like halle berry's

OMGOSH now i'm like at a loss for words. I get it if he doesn't like black girls but gimme a break, hes not even like at my level and he didn't need to make me feel like c**p by insulting my skin color..

UGHHH i'm sooo freakin aggrivated.





  1. I am guessing that what you're really dealing with here is a taste of reality and rejection because you are not used to it.  So rather than realizing this, you are cutting him down to make yourself and pride feel better.  After all, he wasn't a loser when you talked to him at first, was he?

    Second, just because you felt a connection doesn't mean he did.  It isn't personal to you.  And the same goes for if he wasn't attracted to you; it isn't personal.  So don't take it that way.

    We don't always connect, relate or find ourselves attracted to some wonderful people on this earth.  We can't do anything about it except accept it.  After all, stop for a minute and consider him....

    Meaning, have you ever met a really nice guy that you just didn't "click" in conversation or attraction?  What if he ran around calling you a loser?  There is no difference.  

    Lastly, to me, and I hate to be mean (I'm 37 year old female) but maybe he has a more mature mentality realizing and understanding this even at your age.  That could be why he isn't attracted to you.  Not that you're not a good person...but in ways, I'm sorry- you sound like you're more about who you are than who he is.  At least he was honest with your best friend.  To me, that shows a very good character in a person...definitely not a loser.  Did you consider those things at least?

  2. guurrl plz... h3 be j3aL0u5 dats aLL

  3. Ok, so your heart is broken

    Youre sitting around mopin, cryin, cryin

    You say you're even thinking about dying?

    Well, before you do anything rash,

    dig this...

    Everybody plays the fool, sometime

    Theres no exception to the rule, listen baby

    It may be factual, it may be cruel, I aint lying

    EVERYBODY plays the fool

    (or so the 70s song by the Main Ingredient goes)


    I'd say it's time for you, Miss self-described Pretty Girl, to cash in a reality check....

    written in the amount of "GET OVER YOURSELF!!!"

    Come on now, it's not like you were MARRIED or engaged to the guy...or even dating for any significant length of time.

    You merely talked to the fellow for a short time, less than a day it sounds like....

    So WHY are you being such a "drama mama" making such an emotional investment on someone whose middle name or birthday you probably don't even know?

    Look, NO ONE is immune to they ugly or pretty. Even actresses and supermodels get blown off by guys both hot and ordinary who simply aren't interested. Even women who are considered the most beautiful by Hollywood or Vogue magazine standards sometimes STILL can't keep a man to save their lives! Think it doesn't happen? Well, look at Christie Brinkley, Pamela Anderson, Sharon Stone, Janice Dickinson, Elizabeth Taylor or Halle Berry for a few notable example...and then watch the movie Hope Floats where the pretty SAHM and former high school head cheerleader (played by Sandra Bullock) gets dumped by her husband on national television on a talk show and has to go back to her small Texas town in 'shame' to start over.

    Rejection? Yeah, it sucks but that's just part of the game! The one thing that the so-called "pretty girls" should learn is that you can't always and really should NEVER get by on your looks...beause it doesn't always work! Work on your personal character instead.

    FACT:  If a guy is not that into you, then he's just not that into you...there's nothing you can do about it, and you just can't take it personally.  After all, you won't be into every guy who comes your way, either...and would you realy want some psycho jumping off a bridge, slicing their wrists, shooting themselves or OD'ing just for you?  Please.

    The h**l with that piddlyazzed nonsense re: skin color. This isn't 1958 anymore.  It sounds like you're just waaay too sensitive about that...and you need to develop a "thicker" skin regarding that issue.

    Fact of the matter is some guys DON'T like dark skinned girls and no amount of flirting or convincing will make them change their minds. It's not prejudice, it's preference.  You can be the nicest looking luxury car on the block, but if the guy is into Ford trucks, then nothing will help.

    but guess what?

    A lot of men (of various races) DO consider a darker skinned woman their "goddess"...and those are the ones whom you should be paying attention to...

    but better still, the man who respects YOU regardless of skin color or looks or figure is the one whom you should be wanting in your life.

    Know what I don't get? Why are you giving so much power to a person whom you yourself describe as a "loser?"  Why would you want to throw your life away over a "loser?"

    Why would you want to go getting all upset over someone who is "not on your level"?  Unless you secretly think he's "better" than you simply because he's Italian and you're black....(and quite possibly you're ashamed of being black?)

    Fine if you want to date outside of your race. No problem.  But maybe before attempting to do so, you need to work on some of those self-concept issues, lose the baggage, and gain some emotional maturity, ok? Otherwise, the relationship is doomed from the start.

  4. How cute, I remember the puppy love stages of my life. Youll get over it in a few days when the next guy says whats up hottie, wanna go out?

  5. What. The..?

    Don't you have anything better to worry about then what some guy you didn't even like thought of you?!

    At least you have high enough self-esteem to call yourself "really hot" and pretty.

    Some of us don't even bother flirting

    If he is that bothered by your skin colour surely you're not missing much, are you?!

  6. Oh get the h**l over yourself you sad t**t,

    He probably rejected you because he couldn't stand you, not because of the way you look.

  7. You may be beautiful on the OUTSIDE, but you aren't beautiful on the INSIDE.

    He was seeing your INNER uglyness, not your OUTER beauty.

    That's why he rejected you, DUH.

    Also, going online and whining to complete strangers about being rejected is VERY MATURE of you. *sarcasm intended*

  8. You didn't think he was a loser when you were talking to him. You calling him that based on one 'interlude' is just as bad as him writing you off for your skin color. Live, learn, and move on. It's not the end of the world-really. If you are as pretty as you say, then lots of other people will like you anyway because most people do base relationships on looks. The earlier you learn that, the better off you will be. And truthfully, if he did base it on skin color, then you are so much better off without someone like that, now, aren't you?

  9. Girl first calm yourself.  If he does not want to be with you then he is the one who loses.  For what u are telling me, he sounds really shallow and racist u deserve someone better so keep up going he is not the only man you'll get someone better you'll see.  

  10. not very old are you?

  11. So, your mad, because a guy who you think is a loser rejected you. Doesn't that make you worse then a loser.

  12. Oh Well, it's his loss.    

  13. If hes a loser why did you ask him out

  14. HAHA. Sounds like you are the loser not him.

    Oh and by the way you make me sick. You are making a mockery of people with serious mental health issues. p**s off.

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