
OMGOSHH i'm sooo MAD!! pls help me b4 I go psycho?

by  |  earlier

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my guy friend who i've been friends with since 1st grade just completely made me look like an idiot and pretty much ended our friendship...and he couldn't even say it to my face.. he had to text me !!!!!

Ok first of all..we used to be really goood friends, then we we started high school he became popular because he was cute and athletic and started being a total @sshole. then we started drifting apart because he started dating this S****y cheerleader who I hate. Then he dumped her and started talking to me. Like he would send me msgss on my phone telling me how much he missed much we needed to hang out...e.t.c

Then today I texted him out of nowhere and he said.. "who is this?" (omgosh I know he knows my # and he knew it was me but he was trying to act like he didn't know me.

the I told him that he was an @sshole for saying he didn't know me and we he called me ugly (keep in mind that he tried to hit on me year and I rejected him and i'm the reason why hes even popular)




  1. just ignore him until he apoligizes 2 u .

  2. send him a text and tell him hes an a*****e

  3. you should have sent him a text that said

    oh okay now u dont know but a hot min. ago u was tryin to get wit this

    thats okay bc the only reason i even kept tlkn 2 u was bc i felt sorry for you lame ___

    it might not have been him but even if it was, he is not going to admit it 2 ur face. (and he might have did it bc he was w/ someone)

  4. like omg who cares like omg move on with life and get over it. like omg this is so drama omg omg omg omg omg GET The h**l OVER IT.

  5. Wowww. what a J@ckass. Ignore him. He'll probably try to text you back saying he's sorry eventually. But don't reply!

    Soon he'll probably try to talk to you face to face. And when he does. Ignore him again. Anyone who treats you like that doesn't deserve to be spoken to.

    Haha you know what you should do actually??

    Next time he texts you be like.. "who is this?!"


  6. im really soorry on what happened but i dont get why we need your help ><

  7. well are you sure it was him?

    my friends take my phone all the time and text people they don't know

    so the person that text you and said you were ugly could have been one of his friends just trying to mess with you

    you should go talk to him just the two of you

  8. this guy is a real jerk. tell him how you feel and that he's being an big a*****e. maybe he'll ask for forgiveness

  9. jerk. dont be mad, its not worh it. he can be the cocky popular guy he is. you can have better friends that than. =)

  10. maybe he got a new phone and number and you texted the wrong person? or maybe you just  texted the wrong number?

  11. Umm . . . are you sure it was him on the phone?   I can see one of his friends -- possibly a girl? -- using his phone and getting him in trouble, can't you?  

    You might want to talk to him directly and make sure that was him.  If it WAS him, then tell him that he really hurt your feelings, and that you two are done until he apologizes.  

    I really hope it was just somebody playing a prank on you guys -- I'd hate to think that a guy who had been a friend that long would be so hateful.

  12. So are you blond too????

    You think that just because it came from his phone, that he sent the message?

    Blond moment here.....

    Talk to him face to face before you jump off the handle over what someone texted you.

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