
OMGmygirlfriend mother caught me chocking my chicken ?

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what do i tell my girlfriend. that i was just trying to get the wrinkles out.




  1. no , dude thats normal she aint sucking or ******* so a mans gotta please himself

    what a shame

  2. next time hide it between your legs

  3. Wow.....Lol naw tell her the truth who knows she might wanna help you get the wrinkles out

  4. tell her you misunderstood the stuffing instructions. easy question. NEXT!!!!

  5. LMAO!!!!!!! :)) boy oh boy ......... first I read she caught you chocking a chicken and I was like WTH is wrong with this guy, is he a m*******t or what?...... then I reread it and it said it was actually your chicken LOL !!!!!!!!!! thanks for the good laugh...... but yeah seriously what were you thinking, I mean there are locks on doors for a reason duh!!!!

    I guess the best you can do is go tell her you are very sorry about the incident and you were stressed out and you don't want her to think you are a pervert just because she saw you. However, you need to mention this to your gf as well, you must, she should know...... Even if this is normal expect the mother's trust towards you to decrease severely, you will have to work and prove you are trustworthy to gain her trust back, mainly because the 1st thing she thought is "how could he do that here he is obviously a pervert and that means he might want my daughter for s*x". You will need to control yourself next time, or learn to use the lock in the door :p  ..... anyways, this is already a minus that you can't erase so just deal with it and prove you are trustworthy, that's all.

  6. omg thats gross

    just dont say anything about it

  7. well what you were doing is very normal all guys and men do this so no its not gross..being caught id say is pretty normal also i bet everyone has at some time been caught..but i bet her mother was glad you were alone and not her daughter doing it for you..and too i bet she dont say nothing to her daughter about it either so id just stay quit...then if your girl friend brings it up then you know she told her...then just tell her  you were just so horny thinking about her and how she arouses you that you couldnt help it you just had to let it out..she will understand and wont care..surley she knows about guys and how they work..unless she is the one up above that said how gross then if it was id say dump fun

  8. hahahahaha, dude that is so funny, Just tell her that you where really stressed and blowing out some steem.

  9. Tell your girlfriend her mum was perving on you, that or ask for a three way!

  10. hahaha...sorry,so whose house were u @ anyway?

  11. That has to be one of the funniest things I heard but seriously man just tell the truth lol . As embarrassing as it is, they will never believe you if you make up some story and it will blow over sooner or later.

  12. dont tell ur gf anything.  

  13. just tell her that her mother caught you doing that and you are worry she(her mother) may think bad of you. Ask your girlfriend what you should do. Honesty is very important in a relationship and it will go a long way.  

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