
OMg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg omg omg omg ewwwwwwwwww?

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Okay so i like have a problem. My friends always make fun of my pinky toe because it has a really small toenail. How do I tell my friends to quit it?????? And by the way my friend has emotional issues and is from alaska....




  1. dont wear open toed shoes and let your toenail grow....

  2. well you should make fun of something you dont like about ur friend....=] works for me

  3. Wear shoes that fit. Get a pedicure...get better friends.

  4. stick the toe in their face.  

  5. being made fun of ur small toenail is so much better than alot of things that are far more worse than that.  

  6. Duh, didn't you know Alaskans have toenail phobias?


  7. Cut it off.

  8. OMG SAME! hhahhaa yayyy i have a twin!

    i get the **** bagged out of me lol!

    i basically was born without a pinky toenail! :P:P

    so funny :P

    dont worry about them lol

    just say something back to them like" well at least my faCE ISnt as uglyas yours" ;lol

  9. yes tell them please stop it because it hurts your feeling this person wouldn,t like someone picking on them.

  10. say "f u"

  11. Tell them thats why there form Alaska and its not really apart of America its farther

  12. WHat you can do is go to your local nail shop and have them add a false nail on for you it'll last a few months.

  13. dont show em your pinky nail?

    or buy some nail growth medicine

  14. LOL Jewels

  15. omg........omg..omg omg omg omg omg OK, so this is what you should tell them that you cant help  the fact that you have a small pinky toe nail and to just get over it already.....and omg...WTF does being from alaska have to do w/ emotional issues????? (was this the stupidest q u've ever heard or what? thumbs up if u agree)

  16. Err... great friends you have there.  

  17. Reciprocate and change friends, perhaps?

  18. OMg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg omg omg omg omg omg ewwwwwwwwww! It's a small pinky toenail. jeeeez!

  19. Really?


    C'mon now.

  20. okay.. what does your friend being from alaska have to do with ANYTHING?

    where do you live? like retardville?

    and so.. if you tell your friend to stop, she'll cry or something? lol

  21. Okay first of all you need to step up and make sure they hear you and let them know its not okay . And second they are not your friends if they keep bugging you about it that's not nice  

  22. um just tell em'!!

    try to wear closeed shoes more often! :]

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