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Hi i am going to my first one day event on sunday and i have just got my times there is an hour between my dressage an hour between my sj and an hour between my xc - my question is do i rest him during this period then warm him up for the last ten minutes or keep riding him lightly for the full hour what do you think? x*x thank you - btw any other advice you can give would be great :) x*x




  1. i would let him rest, get a drink, un-tack him, but keep him walking for a while before and after you ride. i hope you have a great a double clean ride! :)

  2. deffinately untack him and let him rest. Maybe hose him between and let him eat and drink. Bring more than one saddle pad. haha they tend to get very dirty. Put some liniment on his legs between jumping phases and bring electrolyte powder if it is hot.

    Have a good time at your mini event!

  3. rest in between events- your horse is going to be tired for the third exercise.  lightly warm up before second and third exercises, do not run the legs off your horse by keeping him warming up for an hour between units.  there will be no horse left to get you around the coures.  offer electrolyte water as well as fresh water in between and after competition.

    good luck

  4. Definitely rest in between!  Use whatever time you need to warm up for dressage - you don't want to be rushed in that phase.  You will need only a short warm up for each of the jumping phases - ride around a little to warm his muscles up, then pop over the practice jumps just a few times.

  5. Get off of him and take off his saddle and bridle, put him in a halter, and let him be for 45 minutes between each event. Rub him down with a moist towel when you unsaddle him.

    You can warm him up in less than 10 minutes. A couple of walks around the warm-up arena, a lap in each direction at the trot, and you're good to go. Don't overdo it, or you won't have any horse left for the XC.
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