
ONE MONTH!!!.....any advise from married woman or brides to be?

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Its officially one month until i walk down the aisle...any advice??





  1. Decide what the most important part about the day is.  Would you be happy if you were married, but everything else went wrong?  If you ended up married with great pictures, would you be okay with that?  Then put your focus and energy into those few things, and let everything else fall where they may.

    I told everyone for weeks that I'd be happy if, by the end of the night, I was married, had good Persian food, and had good chocolate wedding cake, I would be the happiest bride ever.  To be honest, that wasn't true at all.  I was too excited to be hungry, and only had a few bites of food, and beyond the cake cutting and eating a few bites, I was too busy dancing and mingling to eat any more cake.  After the fact, I realized that I was happy just married and spending time with all my friends and family and making memories.  Even after a minor flower fiasco, nothing could keep me down.

    Have fun, and good luck!

  2. that one month will turn into 1 week and then one day very quickly. Cherish and Treasure the day. If i could be there I would...I'm sorry J and I can't make it :(

    REMEMBER ...nothing matters but the marriage itself...

    Alot of bride to be's - MYSELF INCLUDED - worried about "what if something goes wrong"...once it's over you'll realize none of that mattered! :)

    Never go to bed angry...

    and call or text me if you need me..i'm always here!

  3. make a list of everything that has to be done and designate it all to other people, that way you can be completely stress free! even down to who will carry your water bottle...

  4. First, I recommend making a list of everything you need (this includes for you personally, any "just in case" items, all items for set up, everything). I would go through in your mind, each step you're going to take (for instance: putting up the decorations at the church, do you need scissors, tape, markers, pencils, pens, the aisle runner, string, etc...). Usually it's the small stuff that you forget, like the scissors or the tape.

    Second, realize that things will go wrong, it's inevidable. No one will notice but you. So don't let the thoughts of mishaps bring you down. Just keep with your normal routine. And enjoy these last few days of being boyfriend and girlfriend. You'll be happy that you didn't freak out later.

    Congrats to you!

  5. Don't forget to get your marriage license, I know your probably thinking "oh I have time to get blah blah, I still have a couple weeks", but trust me you'll be sooo busy you might forget, so Write your ideas down when you have them! and get what you need as soon as you can.

  6. Make sure all your plans are organized and in place then relax!  Be sure to delegate most of the responsibilities because you want to enjoy your day not micromanage it.  On the week before, make sure you take the time to have fun with your friends and out of town guests you love and have not seen in a while.  On the day of, don't let things stress you out!  After all, the wedding should be just the beginning of a wonderful life together.  Some things will not go as planned, but keep in mind these hiccups are usually invisible to guests.  Good luck!

  7. Stay relaxed.  Remember why you're doing it.  Don't stress.  If you feel any stress creeping in on your magical day, the second you set foot on that aisle, keep your eyes on your husband-to-be and focus on him because he's why you're there.

  8. enjoy that day because it FLIES by!

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