

by  |  earlier

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I asked this question before and got ECHOES and crickets.




  1. you heard echoes because nobody cares about you or your stupid question

  2. Yes, her experience and what she has done in Alaska, which include:

    A) Cutting wasteful spending

    B) Suspending the gas tax to benefit the citizens for a certain period of time

    C) Revamping the infrastructure in the state with the money that would have been used for the bridge to nowhere

    And the fact that she listed off her experience vs Obama, and she's more experienced!  I liked her swipe at Obama being a community organizer..beautiful!

  3. A s**y woman giving it.  That's about all I can think of.

  4. hahah @ ariel

    her weak args about obama's inexperience "he hasnt run a state or a town"

    McDumbass hasnt done that either... all he does is tell stories about Nam and take naps during senate conferences

    o and her little daughter slobbered on her hand and wiped the baby's hair down hahaha

  5. Yes, she said herself she is more qualified than Obama, right after

    Guiliani exposed Obama for the empty suit he really is.

  6. The disturbing image of a pit bull wearing lipstick.

  7. Hmmmm....nothing comes to mind, except her mocking community organizers. But what I do remember is her record:

    This woman wanted to ban certain books in Alaskan libraries, vehemently oppose abortions, while simultaneously apposing sexual education (hence the 17 year old pregnant daughter) and wants only creationism (which I believe, but don’t think it should only be) taught in public schools? Is she a politician or a preacher? Come down off the Alaska its cold and they can use the wood. Amen.

  8. What I think was great was her ability to connect with the audience live and through the tv.  She has charisma.  She doesn't like the 'good old boy' mentality of Washington anymore than I do!

    As far as I am concerned she nailed the 'accomplishments' of Obama.  Now that was great!

  9. copy and pasted from your last question I answered

    I heard her say she was going to be an advocate for families with special needs children... I heard her say that she wanted to do something to help alleviate our dependence on oil and that even though drilling isn't the best solution it is better than no solution at all.. and that we shouldn't appease terrorists...

    hmmm... this is a lot more than I ever get out of Obama's speeches..

  10. Yeah I'm still thinking too......  Can't help you with the silence!

  11. I liked it when Piper licked her hand

    and smoothed Trigs(the baby's) hair down.

    That was funny

  12. Lets see here..I remember her saying she sold a plane on Ebay...She compared pitbulls to hockey moms...She made fun of Obama's styrofoam set....Took a dig at community organizers...Thats about it, in addition to the baby hair licks in the background and showing off her disabled baby to manipulate the masses  

  13. I remember her baby getting past around back an forth...

  14. She pledges to be an advocate for special needs children. We need to turn to our own natural resources for energy, wind, solor, etc.

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