

by Guest65143  |  earlier

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Like today, I cut my arm, and I sat there and licked the blood. There is something wrong with me. I loved it. I'm not a vampire. No. I love vampires, but I'm not one. Sometimes I wish I was. I wish I was special. But no. SO what does me l*****g the blood and it tasting good to me mean? I swear I didn't mean to cut my arm.




  1. :D

    Omg!! Drinking blood is fun<3

  2. Just a mental stuff, get over it. Vampires and draculas? Bah, humbug!

  3. Yes I do believe!!!

  4. Interesting you may find help from a vampire on here. The most I would say about this is that you may have a small part of your genetics part vampire.

  5. Sorry to inform you, but that's human nature.

    There's a primal instinct that tells you to keep blood inside you. This includes not getting cut, but to a more direct point, getting it back inside yourself. It is not uncommon for people to stick a bleeding wound into your mouth, seeing as this is a very fast way to get it back into your body.

    As for the enjoyment of it, that very well might be a more significant problem. If you're sure you're not a vampire, then you may have a mental addiction to the stuff. If your love of them and wanting to be one has influenced you enough, then you might have formed a pathological attachment to the taste. If that's true, then just ignore it. As long as you don't start hurting others or yourself to get at it, then there should be no problem in it. I'm serious about that though. Do NOT, under any circumstances, hurt anyone for their blood. Best of luck.

  6. before we had all this anti germ stuff we licked our cuts

  7. It's your own blood, your own genetic makeup. It's gonna taste good to you. Ask anyone who's tasted their own tastes good to them.

  8. i used to do it. for some reason, my blood tastes good to most humans. it tasted like a cherry lollipop!

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