
ONLY real computer experts should answer this.i need to know what is the best computer brand out there ?

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i know that there are a slew of computer labtops out there but i need to know which one is the best or close to it because i am not going to waste my money on a computer labtop just because it is a well-known brand and it is not that good.




  1. HP, Toshiba, or ASUS

  2. Seriously dude, you are going to get just about every different brand out there of computers by "real computer experts"

    I've been working in the computer field and am an IT manager and have been for over 6 years.   I have found that HP has been the best for laptops.  

    Now, you'll probably get someone that'll say HP sucks because they had bad luck with HP.  that's fine too, I'm just telling you my experience.

  3. Ok, it depends what you need it for. I would recommend Toshiba or Apple. The Toshiba runs windows and and it's cool. Most of the laptops today have a built-in webcam, so you can video chat and do alot of other cool things. Get a Toshiba satellite. If not, i would get a macbook. The MacBook runs mac os leopard. it's cool. You can choose rather the macbook, macbook air, or macbook pro. i would go for the pro. It's bigger and better, but alot more expensive. The normal macbook is cool also, but alot smaller. You can get it in white or black. A cool thing about it is that you can run windows on it with boothcamp. (something that the mac has) So if you really want something good go for a Toshiba satellite, if you don't like that go for the macbook. oh and it's "laptop" not "labtop" hahahaha lol.

  4. HP

  5. Lenovo Thinkpad T-series. Specifically the T61. A durable, tough badass.  

  6. Mine favorite types of Laptops are Tablet PCs and my favorite laptop is LE Series from Motion Computing.

    The reason for this is because I like being able to use the pen as a mouse and being able to use it for notes and to write on. One thing that I really like about Motion LE Series is that the computer is on the screen and not in the detachable keyboard so if it’s in your lap you don’t feel the heat. This makes it nice for travel or when you are on the move. Also, the handwriting recognition on Vista is excellent and can read cursive, italic, and poor handwriting.

    HP used to have a similar model (HP TC1100) but they quit making it. It was a shame they did because it had a big following and many doctors and hospitals used it and some even still do.

    This link shows a number of pictures of tablets and handhelds from different vendors and has direct links to their pages.

    Be warned though Motion is a bit on the pricey side because they mainly sell to businesses and not consumers. I like Sony too but they don’t make Tablets, however they do make nice laptops.

  7. What is your definition of "good"?  What is its use?

    It is impossible to answer your question as you have told nothing about how and what you are going to use it.  I have Vostro 1400 from Dell.  I have been very happy with it.  I also have had very good luck with Dell's support when I needed it.

    Keep in mind, a manufacturer sell many different grades of machines, and they are not necessary made by the same factory.  Some are even re-brand of OEM made boxes.  You can no longer go by just the brand name.

    Since my usage is strictly business, performance needs are limited.  I prefer Dell business class machines.  Almost 20 years in various computer business... does it qualify as a professional for you?

  8. Go for an HP/Compaq or a Dell machine.


  9. Thats easy. Lenovo.

    No other laptop company has such a great combination of hardware.

    The Thinkpad T400 and T500 for example have a ATI 3670 combined with integrated graphics, and allows you to switch between them without restarting. Combined with the 9 cell battery, it has a life of over 5 hours. The X series have lives of over 8 hours.

    They also have something available called "Turbomemory", which operates like ram, except its only purpose is to hold the OS and programs you use often. It keeps them loaded even after the power is off, like a hard drive does, so it allows instant booting and loading of any programs you like.

    The T series also has up to a 1680x1080 resolution monitor with an optional led backlight to save even more power.

    You can get all of these in a T model for under $1200.

    I will be getting a T model to replace my laptop when I do.

    No other manufacturers have any of these features

  10. Apple is the best brand hands down.  I have owned many my whole life.  They simple do not crash as much.  When people create virus' and things of that nature, they want to affect as many computers as possible.  Since less people have Apple computers and they are more difficult to crack, hackers stay away from them.  These are not the only reasons.  Do some research and find out for yourself and visit some of the websites below.

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