
OOOPs, I think i've done something silly?

by  |  earlier

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I noticed a large hole in my outside wall and noticed the odd bee flying too and fro, as it was above an area my kids liked to play, and all of us being silly flappers when it comes to flying insects, i thought it would be a good idea to fill the hole with this expanding cavity stuff and stop the bee's (i also did the area around the water outlet pipe ), so far i have had 12 large bees, come into my kitchen when i have not had any doors or windows open. I know the bees are obviously trying to find the way to the nest but what do i do now.

Apart from realising i should of left well alone?? :-(




  1. Oh dear.  Similar thing happened to me a while back but I hadn't filled anything outside.  They were coming through the hose from the boiler.  Finding way through boiler into the kitchen.  For some reason, they just went just before the pest people came.  I would get someone out if you can.  If they don't charge too much.

  2. uncover the hole again so that they can get back in

  3. You shouldn't mess with bees and yet you were correct in realizing that something needed to be done. Don't call an exterminator. The best thing to do is call a professional bee handler or beekeeper. You don't want to kill them unless  necessary.

    Check your kitchen(home) for any small cracks or openings where the bees might be getting into your home and seal them. They are living in your wall voids.

  4. get someone professional out to deal with it, they may very well have found a way into your house and could make their new nest inside, and with kids you want to be safer then sorry, if you can keep the kids out the kitchen until you get them gone

  5. Unplug the hole . That was a bad move. Bees won't hurt you if you leave them alone . They are finding a way in as you have blocked  their external exit up. We need bees .

  6. Oh my! good plan if it had worked!

    Good luck

  7. oooohhhh deeeeaaar - at least they're finding a way out - maybe you should leave the windows open and vacate the room (you can buy insect spray which would kill them but bees are getting rare so you shouldn't do that) - or pick out all the stuff you blocked their nest with

  8. I would move the kids break open there door, then call someone.  It is a shame to have them killed but if it is bad enough.  I do it to WASPS

  9. As you have said, you didn't know what the consequences of your actions would be.  In future you need to respect nature and the bees.  They are an important insect in ecosystems and without them lots of plants would die out because they need bees to fertilize their pollen and produce seeds.  I'm not saying  what you have done is going to wipe out the bees but if everyone did this it may mean that bees could become rare.  They are usually harmless living near you.  Perhaps this is why there are less bees now than there ever was before.  I disagree with getting an exterminator because this will wipe out the bees completely.  You could open their old home but if you do not wish to do this you can help them to find a new one by making a temporary bee home from a log.  Drill holes of various sizes in it for the bees to live in.  This may divert them from your house because they are going into your house in search of a new home.

  10. Ya shoulda called the exterminator.

  11. Sealing the hole was not a bad thing.  But what may be happening now is that they are finding an exit from their grave inbetween your walls into your kitchen.  At this point, I would call a professional exterminator to deal with this issue because come fall when bees usually swarm you are going to have a big problem!!

  12. JUst unplug the holes they will flie die and thats the bee's wont do much the queen which was inside the nest is propably dead since it was all filled with water or something or just find the places these  bees are flying from and fill it with water (it would be best if you left that alone but since you started finish the Job)

  13. My friend had a hole that bees were entering in her house and she stuck a hose in it....Don't ask why we did this but she had bees everywhere in her house it was awful.  We just sprayed bee killer and she slept at my house for a few days and they all died....what a mess !!

  14. call the exterminator and make sure everythin is fine

  15. Call an exterminator a.s.a.p.

  16. Actually what you most likely have are the bees that were sealed into there nest when you plug the outside hole. depending if you have a basement or not you may be able to find where they are coming into the inside. use a good instant bee/wasp killer on that hole and then plug it also. if you can't find the inside hole you may just have to keep killing the bees until the nest is empty. good luck!

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