
OOUCCHHH, back hurts, need help?

by  |  earlier

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ive got a really bad virus and for the whole of yesterday i was lying down on my couch. Now my whole back like ACHESSS sooo much. is there anything i can do to relieve the pain?





  1. Tell somebody to hit you with a bat give it a few more days and you'll be feeling a whole lot better,

  2. put a heating pad on it or take a hot bath

    any kind of heat should take away some of the pain

    also take an advil or a tylenol

  3. I suggest you get a massage. and if that doesn't work see a chiropractor.

    things you can do at home is get a hot towel, and have someone put it on your back. there are also these hot patch things you can get at any drug store that help reduce back pains. they also come in lotion form which you can have someone rub on your back and gently massage the area that hurts.  

  4. smoke a bowl dude

  5. Swimming laps will cure your back amazingly. Thats my secret for when I throw my back out. Just swim some laps and float, (to take off the stress of your weight). Stretch out a lot too.

  6. Try this: lying on your back,bring you knees up so the flat of your heels are near your buttocks.

    Slowly push down on your feet while you try to flatten your back by trying  to pull from within (contracting your abdomen) your belly button towards the floor.  Your arms should be with palms down on the floor near your thighs.

    Try to hold first for 5 seconds. Relax and try again this time holding for as long as 15 - 20 seconds.   Some time during this time you should feel that something relaxes and you will perceive a lengthening feel to your spinal column.  Somehow lots of pain gets relieved by doing this.

    You have to be patient and move slowly.  I know you are is great discomfort.  This helps the most.  

    You also may want to ask someone to rub some a pain cream on the area that hurts.  Also some massaging the part can help.

    Hope you feel better real soon.  Good Luck

  7. I think there are some back pad things that you can buy at a local store (Longs or Walgreens) and they relieze your pain by warming your back. My dada used it and it worked for him. It relieved him for a while. good luck :) Hope ya feel better. Just take it easy and relax for now.

  8. I suggest lots of stretching. Or if you have a boyfriend give him those cute little puppy dogs eyes and ask him for a back massage. Other than that you're just kinda stuck with the pain til it goes away.

  9. Yeah get a heated pad on it you can get them from your local chemist!

  10. That's a sign ,,,,,,,,,,,,, that your done................  Flip over and get off the couch................. You need to go back to your life.......!=)    Go into it easy ,,,,,,,,,, Good Luck...................1

  11. put bengay or pain reliving cream. put a heating pad or something hot that wont burn you (like a bag you fill with water, use warm water). It works

  12. over the counter painkillers should help get rid of the pain.  

    when i was sick with body aches, dayquil and nyquil were very, very nice.

  13. pot

  14. Depending on they typwe of virus you have, take some Nyquil, Alka Seltzer or Tylenol cold and flu, they all have a musle relaxer for body aches. Also if you are going to stay laying down for long periods of time you may want to consider placing a pillow beneath your knees and a small pillow in the small of your back as a lumbar support to put your body in a more neutral position.

  15. take some naproxen sodium(aleve). that reduces inflamation and lowers pain! also you can lay flat on the floor for a while. see if that helps.

  16. Ice it first -- if you don't have a cold pack, put some ice cubes in a bag and wrap it in a washcloth or paper towel.  Apply the ice to the sore area for no longer than 5-10 minutes at a time.  If you're still sore, alternate between cold and hot (maybe with a heating pad or a warm, dry towel) until you feel better.  Most importantly, try to keep your back flat and straight and don't over-exert yourself.  Good luck!

  17. lol, u shouldn't sit around so much, move around will help ur back to stretch back..ur making it much worser by just lying there..try doing some back-stretches..XD

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