
OPEC are not increase the oil petrolium production.In result price is high. What are the steps needed?

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StepsTo be taken to give pressure to the OPEC countries to increase the production in order to reduce tension in the global economy .




  1. peck them again n again

  2. Conservation of energy is the answer.

    An alternate energy sources should be developed at once, on large scale and emergency basis.

    I am surprise that Indian and chinise manufacturer went for, petrole powered car, they should have considered hybrid instead, and they must develope one as I write this. They are use to small cars and the power demand can fit nicely with present battery capacity and technology.

    By all estimates, we just do not have enough oil in the ground to meet all our future energy demmands, so it is important to look in to renewable energy sources, such as, sun, sea, wind, geothermal,---,----,---.

    People are alread starving but we will also have food shortages world wide very soon, so only bio-waste must be considered for getting any significant amount of energy and living consumable crops(such as corn, for ethenol production) out of the energy equation.

  3. 1. We need to start to develop our 250-300 year supply of oil shale and tar sands.  if we did this, it would create

    thousands of jobs for U.S. citizens, expand our engineering capabilities, and keep the wealth in the U.S. instead of sending it overseas.

    2. We need to stop over regulating every segment of our

    economy and thus delaying, by decades, the development of

    alternate fuel technologies.

    3. We limit drilling off our coasts, in

    Alaska, and anywhere there is an insect, bird, fish, or

    plant that might be inconvenienced. Better that our people

    suffer. Our lobbying efforts have been too effective. We need limits on lobbyists for big companies on how much they control our polititians.

    4. Corn based Ethanol !? Thank our government for this sham

    program! It will destroy us from the inside with these types of policies.  This is worse than when we pay our farmers NOT TO GROW FOOD. Have them use more energy to create less energy, and simultaneously drive up food prices. Thank you U.S. Congress!

    5.  Last but not least we need to stop letting certain OPEC countries fleece us without end. They have been

    accumulating shares in our banks, real estate, and

    publicly held companies. They also finance a good portion of

    our debt and now manipulate our markets, currency, and

    economies for their benefit.

    Bottom line. Without war, we need to put our foot down and show them we can do well without them, and we can if we elect the proper people who will do what we need them to. Stand up and shout to them... "We won't need you !"

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