
OPEN this NOW!?

by  |  earlier

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ok, my mom sent two of my teachers a letter with her email address on it. Both of them emailed her. I jus so happened to know my moms email and password. my mom barley checks her email ever. and so when i logged on to her account i read something one of my teachers wrote her and my teachers are making it sound worst then what it is. heres how she worded it "Earlier this week she threw a book at a student" my mom is very strick and she'll kill me if she reads this but what REALLY happened was these two annoyin kids kept putting these big thick social studies books on my desk and i pushed them both off, and she thinks i threw them, believe me if i would of threw them omg someone would have gotten hurt badly. and heres my question in all this: i want to respond and pretend im my mom and tell her the real situation and my mom barley checks her email and im thinkin maybe my mom might check soon cuz she knows my teachers would b emailing her. idk should i respond?




  1. How about telling her the truth about what happened?  I am sure she will listen!   Especially, if your an honest person!

  2. just delete and ur mom wont know

  3. noo dont respond talk to your school counselor immediatly and set up a meeting with the teacher and your mom and the counselor then your mom cant get an idea of what really happened

    good luck!

  4. NO. leave the email. once your mom sees it, she;ll come asking, then you can explain your point of view.

    If you reply and your mom finds out, then you;ll be in deep trouble.. she'll lose trust in you, and believe me, parent's trust is hard to gain once your loose it, so please leave the email, and wait for her reaction, keep open communication with your mom is the best way to deal with anything.

    here is a thought, when something happens, and you know she'll be hearing from your teachers, tell her about it before they send her anything, this way she'll be in the light, and she'll know how to respond to your teachers... and for the killing thing, i don;t believe it, your mom is only strict bcs she wants  the best for you.

  5. Just delete the messages your teachers sent, that way it seems as if they never replied :)

  6. Don't pretned to be your mom. They will find out, and you'll get in even more trouble. Just tell your mom before she checks her email what really happened, then she'll beleive you and wont get a false idea first. Good luck!


    then check if they reply regularly, just in case

    sorry this aint a great answer, I was just too scared not to open it cos of the intimating title :]

  8. You should explain the situation to her, be like mom listen to what happened to me today.  So it doesn't seem like you read the email yet you get to tell your side of the story without your mother finding out you opened her emails.  Trust me you will get caught eventually if you just respond.

  9. i wouldnt know like right after you respond your mom will have to INEVITABLY check her email for some odd, unsuspected reason.

    i would just delete the email,

    and i would also go to the teacher to apologize.

    trust me, even tho that seeems really retarded, go an apologize to the teacher, so shell see your responsible and respectful, and next time shell give you the benefit of the doubt.

    just dont say 'im sorry for throwing the book' say something like 'im sorry for disturbing the class' or 'being rough with the books' or some posh like that

    =)=)good luck!!

  10. um, how about just deleting the email?

  11. be an  instagator

  12. 1. if u do respond, there is a slight chance that your mom/teacher will find out

    2. if u don't respond, there is 100% of punishment.

    3. if u do respond and your mom/teachers find out, your probably going to take the worst punishment of them all.

    u could respond and then delete the the emails then spam the teacher's email so your mom won't see the email when she checks. (just a thought)
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