
OPINIONS PLz! Homeschooling advantages, opinions and thoughts!?

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I have attended public school for 7 years and currently hate it!




  1. I am homeschooled, I love it!!! I am only on 8th grade though. I was homeschooled last year, but before that I was always in private, christian schools, I have never been to public school. I really like homeschooling because I can work at my own pace, and focus on areas I like. I have to do the basic subjects, but then I can do things that I enjoy, like I go with my sister to her college astronomy class, I listen and take notes. This is good for me since I enjoy science. I also am involved in a volleyball team, and a co-op. I enjoy both of these because I can play a sport with other homeschooled girls, and be in a co-op with other kids my age. Maybe if you do homeschool, you could get involved with programs like these. I hope this helps!!!

  2. If you search back through the archives of this category, you will find lots and lots of info.  I would write it all out, but I've done it so many times now it's tiring!

  3. I was homeschooled most of my life, except for when we went to my church school, and I absolutely loved it.  There is no way I would have ever traded and gone to public school.  I am super close to my parents and sisters because of it, and I feel like I am more mature, responsible, and independent because of it.  For me, my mom taught us, we didn't do any videos, so it was all one-on-one teaching, so I really got a good, in-depth, thorough education - at my speed, not a full class's.  I definitely recommend homeschooling for anyone who asks, and if I ever have kids, I will be homeschooling them

  4. I have home schooled all of my 6 children at one time or another.  Most stayed at home through elementary school and then set off to public school any time from 6th to 9th grade.  That said, I think it has advantages and disadvantages.  I loved homeschooling my kids, especially when they were young and I think it's important for kids to be with their family.  I think there are real advantages to keeping students at home for the early grades.  When they reach the middle grades the process becomes more independent and if you're willing to put in the effort and dig into the material it can work.

    You know how your greatest strength can also be your weakness?  I think that applies to homeschooling.  One big benefit is that your environment and interactions with others is very controlled, so there is less stress, fewer opportunities to be picked on, few confrontations with others, but this is also a problem because you don't have the opportunities to develop the skills needed to succeed in getting along with others.  

    You say you hate public school.  If it's the social environment you hate, you may need to step out for a year, home school and heal.  Or maybe you need to find a caring adult who could mentor you through the difficulties.  There's no avoiding social problems and they really don't go away when you grow up.  I know many 14 year olds in 40 year old bodies.

    If you hate the academics because they don't fit your needs, homeschooling may work for you, especially if your ambitious and self directed.

    Hope this helps.

  5. I've been homeschooled since preschool, and I LOVE it! I've noticed that I get along with my parents a LOT better than some of my public school friends. Talk to your parents about trying it out for a bit; you can always jump back into public school a little late if you decide you don't like it.

  6. We home schooled our son (3 years) and daughter (5 years) after using public schools.  Home schooling was much better.  Yes, if you are a hermit there will be personality problems, but we were ACTIVE in a support group and sports.  My son was able to get international level coaching for his swimming.  He took 1st place in all but two swim meets senior year.  They are well adjusted, articulate and fun to be with.

  7. The upsides are:

      No personality clashes.

      No peer pressures.

      You can focus your energy on your own interests.

      You can set your own schedule--to some extent.

      You can spend more energy on learning and less on clothes, lunch....

    The downsides are:

       It can be lonely

       You REALLY have to be self motivated.

       You don't have an easy place to go for answers to hard questions.

        Your friends might feel like they have less in common with you.

        For some people it can be hard to go back to regular school even when they don't like homeschooling.

    My advice:

    1)Think about the real reasons you want to do homeschooling.  There can be good reasons, but be honest with yourself about this part. If there are social or emotional problems, you should get help and try to overcome them.  Maybe you'll like school better then.

    2) See if there are cyber school options in your state.  That can give you a little more structure and a teacher available to answer questions.

    3)If you do it, make sure you have social activities built in to your schedule.

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