
OPINON PLEASE!!! Hit or Set???!!?

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I love volleyball. I'm 5'3 and in 6th grade. I love setting but I want to try to hit(since obviously am going to be tall)

I love middle but if i end up being really good i dont want my club coaches to leave me there!




  1. you're not that tall to be honest. most professional vball players are 5'11+

    i think your best bet would be setting. it's easier for you to get under the ball quicker since you're smaller. hitting would be more difficult because your not as tall and you would have to jump very high to hit and block.

  2. I have been playing volleyball for four years

    I am horrible at setting so yeah-- obviously I like hitting better (;

    I think you should do whatever you want, just remember to have fun. If it turns out you don't like it, don't do it!

  3. Hitting I must say is much funner!! I am 5'6" and I play a middle hitter. But yesterday during our club volleyball practice my coach told me to try being a setter. I tried and now my coach said she wants totry and make me one of the setters for the team ,but I'm not exactly very good. My coach is also trying to make me an outisde hitter too. So she's pretty muchly making me all front row and then a setter.

  4. i love hitting so much more !

    the setter is usually considered one of the best and quickest players on the team. they often are the court captian.

    but hitting is so much more fun !!! :]

  5. if you end up will think setting is fun.

    if you end up will think hitting is fun.

    do what your good and and do what you love.

    to be honest with an experienced hitter...setters are needed more. so if you can get really solid and get to be really consistent as a will do great in your school career.

    i also highly recommend playing club. and even in club good setters are hard to find.

    oh and hitters get all of the glory...but you cant do anything with out a set. if you have good hitters....they will always thank you.

    take the setting route. i promise it will pay off.

  6. Try both if ur good u can play both and switch off

  7. well if you really can't decide become a right side/setter.  if you don't want to be that, than set (yes, i set- so I'm biased).  a lot of the times, there aren't too many setters on a team- they can be scarce.  so your coach may want you to set...oh, and i agree completely with dr. paige- hitters do get all the glory.  :-)

  8. well i just love to hit. and its a little bit more easy then setting because  u don't need to hold ur arms above ur head and stuff. but if i were u i would try something new. but hitting is really fun.

  9. I am a freshman in highschool and  i am a setter and i love it i have been playing volleyball for 3yrs and every year I am a setter.. I love setting and if ur good at it go for it but if ur not then oh well u will get better at it..

  10. you can have both like me I'm 5"5 still small for my teammates...the captain ball hate me 'cause i always take both specially if the ball must be to the captain ball but others like so if i were you, choose both

  11. Set... have you asked the same question before... not long ago?

  12. i'm a setter too and i love it! being a setter means that you need to be a leader and get to call some of the shots on the court  . but if you want to try hitting go for it! hitting is very important too! if youre good at hitting and setting there's no reason you can't do both (not at the same time obviously.) i think its good to have people that can do different positions.

  13. Actually, you aren't "obviously going to be tall" I was taller than that in 6th and ended up being 5'11. which, in the world of college+ sports isn't that tall. Hitters are more prevalent then good setters, but it takes a good setter to be able to utilize any good hitters that you have on your team.

    For now, you should work on becoming the best all around player you can be. You're young, enjoy playing. Becoming a good all around player is better than being amazing at one skill but crappy at the others.

    Increasingly, ppl are focusing on one sport and one position at a younger age. How do you know you couldn't be better at something else if you focus on one thing your whole life?

  14. look at my question.  the EXACT same one, except im in eight grade.  good luck and keep practicing.

  15. You never know how tall you're going to be when you're growing. I was 5'4 in 6th grade and then I hit the brakes. I never grew another inch until last summer, when I popped up to 5'6 (tall for my race). I have been doing Outside Hitter (my vertical is okay), but I'm going to switch to d/s.

    In 6th grade, you don't want to specialize yet. One day, when everybody else is a hitter and doing zomgsupereliteclubs, you'll be glad you can set, dig, and serve better than they can. Make sure all your skills are good. Then in high school you can pwn everybody with awesomeness. And everybody else wishes they were well-rounded.

  16. go for a itter. i know this is hypocritcial of me as a setter, but u get no glory and it is so much fun to hit. also Setting you get all the blame for the mistakes, its a high pressure job and i only think u should set if u plan to be the leader of the court and take the blame for all of your losses. I play nationally so ive been going through this for a long time now, setting is really fun though, u just have to be a very strong player an not take things personally

  17. ok so yeah!!!  setting is really good!

    but hitting way more fun!

    and since you are in club volleyball that's where all the scouts go to check out the players!!  so if you continue hitting and become really successful at it there's a great chance that you could gain a scholarship from that!!!

    but don't just go with what i say!!!  because colleges need setters too!!

    i think you could also better yourself at both so that you can play both?!

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