
OPJHL, do player get drafted to the OHL and/or are players drafted from the OHL play OPJHL until OHL wants....

by  |  earlier

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  1. the OJHL is basically a farm system for the OHL.

  2. If they could make an OHL team they would be there.

    Next tier down is OPJHL.

    Still some players develope well there. Not as many as the OHL but still some do develope there.

    Some go in the NHL entry draft but not as many as the OHL players.

  3. Two types of players play in the OPJHL

    - players who aren't good enough to play in the OHL

    - players who are good enough to play in the OHL, but want to keep their NCAA eligibility (119 players from 2005-2006 OPJHL are currently playing NCAA Division I hockey)

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