
OPK Question........?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering if you take it with first morning urine like a HPT or can you take it at anytime? Thanks!! =]




  1. Never take it with first morning pee as the surge detected can be inaccurate! Always remember to test between 10am-10pm and no fluid 2hrs pior to testing.


    - both test and control lines are same

    - test line is darker than control line


    - No lines

    - test line is lighter than control line

  2. Wait until after 11 am.  For some reason the body releases LH into the bloodstream then is filtered out about 12 hours later into the urine.  Most women have the blood LH surge in the evening so around 11 am or later is when it can be detected in the urine.  

    If you do the opk too early, you'll miss the surge.  Ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after the LH is filtered into the urine.  The egg only lives up to 24 hrs but most specialize state 12 hours before the egg started to degrade.  Sperm take 10 hours to get up to the egg.  So it's very easy to miss the window of opportunity.

  3. it will say on the box what time of day to take it. i took it before i took my always at 7:00pm the same time everyday.
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