
OPK and pregnancy testing?

by  |  earlier

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Hello all TTC. I am in cycle day 30 14 dpo. On day 12 I had some brownish dc just enough to wipe when I went to the restroom. I know this could be implantation bleeding since that can happen up to 12 dpo, HOWEVER. I am using OPKs in addition to hpt and the HPT are BFN but the OPKs are getting the test line darker each day. Does anyone think this could be pregnancy related.?? I went to so I know all that but I was just curious about personal experiences. My cycle is approx 31-36 days long so its hard to say when AF might Thanks.


I did test positive with OPK on 8/10 so I know I ovulated and the tests were negative after that day but they have started being darker and close to positive now...




  1. I've HEARD that some women can ovulate twice a month with longer cycles. Not sure how true it is, but have heard it from a few different sources. OPK and HPT test different hormones in your body, I wouldn't think that they'd be related. Best of luck to you! LOTS OF BABY DUST!

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