
OPK used as pregnancy test?

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I ovulated last sunday which makes me 8 dpo. I did an opk last saturday and felt my normal ovulation pains that night and sunday morning.

Today I took an OPK just for fun so I don't waste my 1 pregnacy test! Some how I got a positive on my ovulation test! I am due for af on friday, is it too soon to be pregnant? On saturday I had some odd cramping and my b***s started to hurt. But they always hurt a week before af comes!




  1. I have read that OPK will show positive for pregnancy as well.

  2. OPKs are much less sensitive by pregnancy tests, and they measure a hormone which is similar to the Hcg hormone. If you are truly pregnant, you would get the same result from a pregnancy test. If you do not, it is possible the OPK picked up a rise in that other hormone instead of the 'pregnancy' hormone.

    OPK tests are usually certain on the day you get a positive pregnancy test, and they measure a rise in the hormone, which would indicate you will most likely ovulate within 24-48 hours after detecting it. So it doesn't even let you know the exact day of ovulation, just an approximate ;)

    That being said, I wouldn't trust an OPK as a pregnancy test unless I had a pregnancy test that said the same thing. So I would run out and by a HPT to confirm the results. No OPK test will give you results 5 days sooner than a pregnancy test--they're not very sensitive (100hcg) and they could be picking up something entirely different than the pregnancy hormone.

    So either get an economical test like the Wal-Mart brand, which is very good and accurate, or wait until Friday and if no AF run out and get a HPT right away. Good luck!

  3. thats a realy good indication.......u should take ur HPT and keep us posted!!!!

    Good luck!!  I hope u get that BFP

  4. what


  5. Its amazing but I am in EXACTLY the same place as you are! I am also 8 dpo and expecting AF on Friday! I also took OPK and the line was quite visible today (9 dpo) not yet positive but definitely not light or faint almost the same color. Usually as AF approaches I get a very faint or non-existent line (tested a few times just for the fun of it to see if OPK is really negative before AF).

    What brand HPT did u take? it may have been that the HPT you took was not a sensitive brand and on the other hand the OPK you used was a more sensitive there may be hope..!

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