
OTC for Levothyroxine?

by  |  earlier

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Taking 0.05 daily but have lost job & insurance. Is there a herbal remedy that will work?




  1. I'm not sure about herbal remedies, but I know levothyroxine is a drug that needs to be carefully monitored, meaning it's dangerous to not take it, to change  strength, dosing, or even from brand to generic and back.  That being said, levothyroxine 50mcg, that you take, is on walmart's $4 drug list.  

    That means a normal 30 days supply is just $4 with no insurance.  If you get your drugs from another pharmacy, go to your local walmart and have them call your pharmacy to transfer it to their store.  Or see how much it is at your pharmacy.  It's not an expensive drug, really.

    good luck

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