
OTC pain killers and alcohol?

by  |  earlier

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is it ok if I take an aspirin with codeine in it (over the counter) if I had been drinking tonight?

I have an unbearable headache with pain radiating through my body lol




  1. Just drink water til the morning as your probably dehydrated.  If its not gone by then, then yeah take the tablets.  Having said that it isnt going to kill you to take the tablets now either.

  2. Never ever mix alcohol with any drug, that is a fatal error that can become fatal for you! If you're having a headache, it's is probably best to just take tylenol...Do not take too many different types of medications either; over the counter or other wise! You planning on dying or something?

  3. Codeine can impair thinking and the physical abilities required for driving or operating machinery. Alcohol and other sedatives, such as Xanax, can produce further brain impairment and even confusion when combined with codeine. Therefore, alcohol and other sedative intake should be limited when taking codeine.

    Based on the above info you should be fine.

  4. Should be fine. Take it easy.

  5. One does wonder if the latter is a contributing factor to requiring the former!

  6. well, first of all, there is no such thing as aspirin w/ codeine that is available over the counter!! Second,,,if you have a headache just take Tylenol,  it helps a lot!!!!

  7. i dont mean to sound like a jerk but JUST RE READ YOUR QUESTION AND YOU WILL GET YOUR ANSWER.... UMM NO...its not...and if you are going to do it anywhere send me a email to let me know what state you are in so i don't get on the road and you don't kill me and my family.

  8. No don't do that it is a bad combo, stop drinking maybe thats why your sick everyday lol. just head off to bed you should be feeling better tommorow.

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