
OUR judging of persons is mostly wrong!?

by Guest63631  |  earlier

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The mind makes a fool of us,often.

If we are impressed by a person's ONE ASPECT we get lost, and we praise him and adore him and keep him in the high,until one day, his or her - Grey sides reveal the grayish features to us and all. THEN WE REALISE OUR TRUST in him.

MIND MAKES FOOLS OF US, WITH ONE LOFTY ASPECT and other thousand hidden undesirable aspects.

Social workers, Leaders, Political and religious and otherwise, and VIPs in commerce and Finance all come to be trusted and worshiped until one day -they are dropped and unclaimed...


if we had felt that we should reserve our final opinion for some more time? . Dont go with the crowd, we should tell ourselves,.

Even chosing a bride or groom is influenced by this Mental Feature and misleads us ..

What is your opinion.??.




  1. Well, it’s true that we – as creatures with the ability to reason - make errors in judgement. I’d prefer to ‘blame’ it also on our social learning rather than only on the mind. We each do inherit certain predispositions and temperament, but the environment and social interactions also influence what we may eventually become.

    The mind of a newborn baby is free of any kind of prejudice. In the process of growing up, children learn about the family or society that surrounds them. They are schooled in particular norms, standards and ways of thinking. It helps their socializing in organized society gaining membership in it.

    In the process they adopt certain concepts/theories, make assumptions from them and develop certain attitudes to life and living. These are followed diligently in adulthood because that’s the way things are around them, and everybody behaves like that.

    The point is individuals learn to conform. The ideals/beliefs they live by become sacrosant. It’s sacrilege to either question or reason. The herd instinct ensures faith, trust and loyalty for whosoever may become elders/leaders/authority...

    Certainly we can change. We can reason as we’re equipped to, we can break the existing mindset. We can refuse to take any thing for granted and insist on independent decision making...But that needs hard work, the courage to leave the safety of the crowd, and the determination to walk new ground despite hardship or failure. Any takers?

  2. Who's "our" and who appointed you to be the spokesman of us/them all?.

    Speak for yourself.

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