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There is a large owl in my trees in my yard. my little chihuahua goes outside to do his thing and the owl swoops at him. i'm afraid he's going to kill him.what do i do? is there anyone i can call or anything i can do to run him off?




  1. Call your wildlife officer at a metroparks reservation or the animal control officer and see if they can catch the owl.

  2. I know this may sound silly. but in a book i was reading a while ago, a farm had put a plastic owl out on the top of their barn and the owl was afraid of it. I have no idea if this will work but owls are very territorial, and it may move away.

    use a leash for taking your dog outside, and carry something with you to intimidate the bird if it gets too close

  3. Well for now start taking your dog to the bathroom on the leash so you can be there to run him inside or grab him up if the owl comes near. If I were you i would call a local rescue organization to see if they would remove and relocate the owl. I don't think i'm much help beond that. My dad used to squirt the squirls with water guns to make them stay away from our bird feader

  4. You do not mention where you are located, but if you are in the United States, all birds of prey are protected. That means that you are not allowed to do *Anything* to the bird. Even trying to scare it away would legally be "Harassing a protected species!" If you are walking your dog and it attacks your dog, you could be arrested if you harm the bird ! It's not fair, but it is the law!!

    You need to get a hold of your state Fish and Game Department, Department of Natural Resources, or what ever they call it in your state. The Game warden should be able to trap the bird to relocate it.

    Another alternative could be to see if your state has a Falconry group. These will be the only civilians who are allowed to trap birds of prey . It is possible that a member of this group might be persuaded to trap the bird to add to their flock of birds of prey.

    Do *Not* kill, hurt or capture the bird yourself! This could cost you thousands of dollars in fines and maybe even jail time! If the bird *Mysteriously * dies, you should consider carefully before you call the game Warden. The law does not recognize your rights to property or defense of your animals in this case!

    Do a search on the Internet to find the State and Federal laws concerning birds of prey in your state.

    I hope the state will help you with this problem.

    Good luck.

  5. shoot bottle rockets at it just dont kill it and oh may be call the DNR  

  6. Do what my neighbor does with her toy poodle.Walk the dog on a leash and carry a broom with you in case the owl would swoop at the dog.You could use the broom to scare the owl.Other then that,there isn't much you can do,as it's a federal offense to harm a bird of prey. You could make you dog a run with chicken wire on top to keep the owl out.With a dog that small,you would use lattice work to make a nice run for him,then you wouldn't have to worry.

  7. Make sure you take dog on leash for now. Many birds not just owls will see a small dog like this as lunch. They have been known to even try to pick them up when on leash or being held. Before you go out with dog clap hands loud or get hose and point in direction of tree she is in then let dog do buisness and come in. She may have babies she needs to feed. Can call wildlife rehabber for info sometimes they will come and relocate the owl. But for now dont let doggie out alone or may become food for owl, or other bird or even other animals that are bigger that are carnivores. Good luck  

  8. I don't know how successful you'll be running off the owl, especially when he's repeatedly tempted by a tasty mexican dinner!

    Take your dog out on a leash, or one of these days the owl's going to hit his target.

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