
Obama, President; Clinton, Vice-President?

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One could imagine the good job this dream team could do for America.

Barack Obama's fresh face and ideas will help gain more trust and help comfort the brown people from around the world.

Hillary Clinton could lend her talents beside Barack, thus still making history.

Hillary's husband, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, can help oversee the two - but only from behind the scenes, and only if necessary.

What an achievement for the country.

This way, all Americans will be satisfied. And the country can become more unified.

Heck, I would vote for the Obama, President and Hillary Clinton, Vice president ticket.

Furthermore, nobody gets hurt or offended that much.

These three people have a chance to make history - major history too.

So long as things turn out in this manner:

(Barack Obama, for President; Hillary Clinton, for Vice-President).

Moreover, former President Bill Clinton makes history too by becoming America's first Man).

Let's celebrate!





    im a little shaky i like Obama i hate hillary (you know just cuz shes Hillary.) And here's s some breaking news tht no one across the Country has been talking about.When campaigning here in Albany NY Hillary stayed for about 2 days. It is reported that she went 2 a bar over night and was reported speeding around 3:00 AM in the morning. Police reported that she had 2 times over the legal limit of alcohol in her system.I dont want a cowardly drunk running our countries laws. And i think she did it agian last night when i woke up this morning and herd her say she would bring the troops back within 60 days after she gets in office. But as a 12 year old ive been working so hard to push everybody away from hillary that i really dont know Obama's views on the war

  2. It has become a nightmare already - Just the thought of Clinton being elected is horrifying. She has the ability to stir up dissent and is ready to argue but lacks the ability to collectively resolve or muster support for important issues. She has tried for 15 years to get her medical plan passed but has never been able to get enough support for it. That plan by the way would allow the government to attach the wages of lower income families to pay for health insurance if they fail to but their own policies - that is what we need; another way for the government to get into our pocket books!

  3. yes of course because since they are separated.  If hilary gets wins the primaries then all of the obama fans will vote for the safe choice aka mccain. and visa versa if obama won.

  4. dont hold your breath waiting for this to happen.

  5. if obama wins i wouldn't touch clinton with a 10 foot pole.obama is change,clinton is status quo.obama should pick another more in line to his change agenda

  6. I know the DNC is pushing the Clinton/Obama ticket with Clinton as the President Obama as the VP. He doesn't have the experience or the votes of delegates or superdelegates, he's still in 2nd place. I personally think it's a bad idea still. I know if Hillary wins the nomination all the Barrack supporters are going to cry and say it isn't fair, and that is why the DNC wants a compromise.  I think he will hinder her and the democrats campaign for the same reasons I don't think he could win in a general election...i.e. the far left supporting him (Kennedy,, ect.), his lack of achievement in a government position, all the questions that keep being brought up on his religion both with the African-American Church of Christ and his Muslim Roots (not saying that this is true, but republicans will swift boat this to death), I just don't think he has been on the public eye long enough to prove himself against what the republicans will throw at him.

  7. no, Edwards vice president

  8. That's more like a nightmare. A man with no experience and a woman who lets her husband cheat on her and get away with it...what a strong role model for young women...

    Sadly, that duo would probably crush any GOP opposition tho

  9. this dream team probably would be a very bad dream.

  10. no hilary will win and obama will be vice president. Hilary has a lot of experice because her husband was president. She will know how hard or easy it is. I would vote her But im to young and my parents are voteing for Obama

  11. She'd never go for that, she's too vain.

  12. I think it should be the other way around, as Hillary has more experience.

    But if they could manage to work together (which might not be as easy as it seems) they would be unbeatable.

  13. That would be a killer idea for the democrats to use against the republicans during the election.

  14. I don't think that Hillary would ever take the position of Vice President.

    DD, what was she supposed to do after her husbands affair? If she left him everyone would have hated her, and if she stayed everyone would hate her. There are things that are none of our business and I firmly believe that the affair falls under that category.

  15. No

  16. I like the idea, then she wont have the same power that Bush has omg he's abused his presidency, i could imagine she could do worse.

  17. o ma god u r super mega WRONG

    clinto = president, obama = vice-president

  18. A conservative's nightmare. I think it would hurt the democrats more than help.  Some Obama supporters wouldn't vote for him because of Hilary.

    It would never happen anyways because of how the primarys have been handled by both parties.  Hilary would never accept being Obama's VP, even if it was just a pride issue.

  19. nope


  20. o.k.

  21. I don't like Hillary and I don't want her on the ticket and frankly, I don't think Barack wants her there either.  HOWEVER, given how closely divided the party is and how strong the support is for the two of them, I think they will have to both be on the ticket to keep the party together and win in November.

  22. You got it backwards. Obama needs to be veep for a couple of terms to learn the ropes before he becomes president. Unfortunately, if the campaign gets much more contentious, he may not even be the VP candidate.

    DD, if she'd divorced him, you'd be whining that she didn't respect the sanctity of marriage and you know it. Besides, you don't know that she let him "get away" with anything. How would you have liked to face her after that?

  23. theres only one slight problem

    the fact  that both of them might

    want the same position plus the

    two have very different opinions

    but if they did do that i would vote

    for them two all the way!

  24. ahhhhh..

  25. Just flip it and I'm with you.  I need my president to have experience in foreign policy as well as working across the aisle.  Obama needs some time to learn so Veep is a good place for him.

  26. obama wouldnt do that. i watch enough cnn to know that.

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