
Obama, Reid & Pelosi are wealthy, do they avoid most taxes thru loopholes?

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The rich have a lot of loopholes for dodging taxes.




  1. People like Bill Gates and billionaires don't do tax because they already bring a lot of wealth to the country.With their businesses and companies.  

  2. Shouldn't they be giving their excess wealth to the government voluntarily, after all that is what they expect the rest of us to do.

    Or are they more the do as I say not as I do types ?

  3. The more money you have the easier it is!

  4. You better believe it.  Pelosi is a complete idiot and how she ever got elected is beyond me.  All the liberals in the Senate and Congress need to be fired.  Look at the last two years of the damage they have done and then taking a fricking vacation when America was screaming for them to take care of the oil crisis.  The GOP stayed in Washington to deal with the crisis and the liberals walked out the door, that is how much they care about you and me, NOT AT ALL!!!  

  5. Since they are intelligent human beings of means, I would not be surprised to learn that they employ accountants to pay the tax they are legally required to pay.  That does not change their interest in closing loopholes that allow the wealthy to dodge fair taxation.  Unlike McCain, who used a loophole in his own campaign finance law to ride around in his wife's corporate jet during the primaries, the 3 Democrats you mention are not lookng to create loopholes for themselves.  

  6. Tax loopholes are available to all Americans, that's why the tax code is thousands of pages long.  

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