
Obama, like anyone, can make lists but I want to know HOW his plans to make these changes.?

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Obama, like anyone, can make lists but I want to know HOW his plans to make these changes.?




  1. I think EVERYONE would like to hear such from ALL the candidates.  Seems like a farce voting when the voters do not actually know the specifics.

  2. He's a great motivational speaker...and that's about it!

  3. He has no idea.

    Nor does he actually care.

    It's all about HIM getting elected, not actually changing anything.

    This has been going on for thousands of years.

    You can read Roman history, how the politicians did exactly the same thing they do today; promise people all sorts of goodies, & pretending it's going to be someone else's money they use to do it with.

  4. I agree totally --

    they all talkandtalk and talkandtalk -- blah blah blah .... we all agree in concept, but HOW will a plan materialize?? and WHO will pay for it?

  5. He doesn't.  "Change" is just the buzzword this election.  There is not a single politician who is interested in actually changing things to better the conditions of the general public.  Whether willing s******g people over, or doing it out of ignorance, politicians only want to keep the money rolling in for their wealthy supporters.  These wealthy men and women are so alienated from the average worker that they have no idea what it means to live paycheck by paycheck.

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