
Obama's DNC Convention Bounce Dismal, What Drastic Tactics Left for Liberals?

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Besides trying to trash Sarah Palin and every member of her family, what is left, except to lose?

4 pt Bounce, less than 1/4 than Gore, far less even than Kerry, both lost. That tiny lead will evaporate after this week.




  1. yeah liberals are a pathetic breed.

  2. You know, from what I can tell, what the Democrats are saying is, family is off limits, let's focus on the issues.  

    The bounce is not insignificant considering that the Republican's runningmate was selected the day after the DNC concluded.   I am quite comfortable with the Gallup Daily Tracking today, which has Obama up 50-42.  

  3. Keep telling yourself the Democrats can't win.

  4. Major whinning is going to be the agenda...

    Nothing new.

  5. If you study the history of Convention bounces, often the candidate who gets a substantial bounce loses, and one who got a minimal bounce wins.

    Frankly, I thought the days of ANY convention bounce at all were over, so I'll take it.

    Wait for the debates!  McCain is senile, and the Cupie Doll is out of her league.

  6. Polls mean c**p. No one has ever called me from either party or our cell phones. Only poll that counts is Novemebr when we pick the president. Oboma by a landslide unless, you think america is doing well with folks at such high unemeployment rates, millions loosing their homes and 4 bucks for gas etc. If you think thats ok, i know where you will be voting.

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