
Obama's New Year Celebration - A Round of Golf

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Obama's New Year Celebration - A Round of Golf
Ever wondered how a President spends his New Year’s Eve? We have the answer right here for you. The US President Barack Obama’s end of the year celebrations included a good game of golf with friends.
Obama has been enjoying some quality time in Hawaii with his family since December 22nd, with plenty of golf on the side. Ever since the President’s arrival in Oahu, a Hawaiian island, the headlines have been monopolized by his golfing adventures.
After all, it’s not every day that a President takes such an avid interest in a singular sport. His entire trip has been a very low key affair with a significant chunk of time spent on the local golf course and his New Year Eve was no different.
New Year’s Eve began for the President with the Presidential Daily Briefing, a top secret document, which is given to him every day; a mundane enough start to the day. The President then left his vacation home for his routine workout and was hailed by a
number of supporters and well wishers, who had gathered just outside the security checkpoint just to catch a glimpse of the President.
Several hours after his return to his vacation home, Obama headed out again for Klipper Golf Course where he spent the entire afternoon playing golf. The President enjoyed an 18-hole game with his friends Eric Whitaker, Bobby Titcomb, Marty Nesbitt and Mike
That was about all the coverage that reporters could get of the Presidents New Year’s Eve and there was nothing else that was expected to come out about the President’s final few hours of 2010. The only piece of information came through White House spokesperson
Bill Burton. “Tonight, the President will be spending time with family and friends and later they will have the annual New Year's Eve Talent Show.”
This year has seen Obama facing a lot of criticism because of this frequent vacations and trips abroad. Many question as to how it was that the President had time for just 6 meetings with his Cabinet while he met with 61 foreign leaders and made 491 statements
and addresses and gave 107 interviews? Perhaps the toughest question to answer is that how did the honourable President manage to squeeze in time for a total of 29 rounds of golf instead of getting in more face time with the Cabinet?
It could be that President Barack Obama’s New Year Resolutions list includes “Stay away from golf” on it.



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