
Obama's Sheep-Hearding Brother?

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Is Obama's brother a sheep hearder in Kenya, living in a mud hut because Obama has cast him away, or has he willingly chosen the profession of working close to sheep for the fringe benefits?????




  1. ahh  you mean versus the wealthy lifestyle bush has thanks to robbing the American taxpayer?  or that of billionare booze Bud queen mccain ?

  2.    Ohh ya Obama devoted an entire page in one of his books extolling and promoting the fact that he had a brother in Kenya just to show his ties to Africa i guess, So lets see that one page in a lets say a 300 page book divided by 4 million dollars in book sales equals what?  10000 bucks ?  So doesnt Obama at least owe His "half " brother something for using him in his ghost written books?  Kind of like a royallty ?

  3. Obama only met the guy once....he's his half brother you know.

    So what ?

    I have a half sister that I wouldn't give a dime to, because she's a lunatic *****.

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