
Obama's VP Pick vs. Mccains VP pick?!?!?

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which one has the more experience?! and which will take Obama or Mccain to the white house?




  1. Biden will crush Palin..she has no idea what shes doing

  2. McCain's pick.

  3. Obama's VP has more experience.

    McCain's VP, Palin, said she doesn't believe in evolution!

    She is also the governor of alaska, so if she had take over for McCain,  shes not used to being "in charge" of so many people, the population in alaska is very small.

  4. Biden is going to be made to look like a fool thats been collecting a paycheck and doing nothing. Go McCain-Palin :o)

  5. Its just cruel to think Mccain is worth more than Obama and Biden put together.

  6. well clearly Biden has more experience and the one w/more experience (Biden) will take Obama to the white house.

  7. Biden:

    -Knows McCain in every situation

    -Tell Obama the truth and doesnt sugarcoat it.

    -Has experience in the campaign


    -Pagent runner up

    -Senator of alaska

    -is so conservative she makes McCain look a little

    -She doesnt support abortion which is not fair for certain situations like rape.

    -She was a shoe-in and McCain just wanted more women voters and doesnt really want her as VP

    Should i go on???

  8. Biden is safe, Palin is bold. Lets let her make a speech or 2 before we decide.

    She's going to kill Biden in a debate. His "policy" of running away in Iraq and his contention that the war was lost and the surge wouldn't work were bad judgement. She'll wipe his butt in energy, and she's got 20 IQ points on him.

  9. Hillary

  10. Palin by far.  I can't wait for the debates  

  11. Biden has been part of the problem for 36 years.  Like Obama says...Washington is broken.   I'm willing to give this new woman a shot.

  12. Biden has been in the Senate for 36 years. that is 36 years of experience. Biden has more foreign policy than Palin

  13. I'm just waiting for the Republican'ts to holler, "...see, they're beating up on her because she's a girl! Look how sexist those liberals are. First they did it to Hillary, now they're doing it to Ms. Mooseburger! Leave Sarah aloooone!" Watch, it will happen. They're going to try to trap Biden with that.

    On the flip side, I'm going to enjoy "Daddy Biden" spankin' that little pop tart until she drops it like it's hot. You know she's givin' it up on the regular because she's a spitting out kids like sunflower seeds. Obama/Biden '08


  15. "Obama vs Palin

    In the early 1990's Obama was a lawyer and community organizer inside the Chicago Political Machine, and Sarah Palin was starting her career in Public Service by winning a seat on the Wasilla City Council.

    In 1997, Obama won a seat in the Illinois State Senate, while Sarah Palin was unseating the incumbent to become Mayor for Wasilla, Alaska. As Mayor, she reduced property taxes by 40%, improved the community through infrastructure investment, and earned the respect of her peers by being elected President of the Alaska Council of Mayors.

    In June of 2003, Obama was busy raising money for a run at the US Senate. This included attending a lavish fund raiser for his Senate campaign, hosted by Tony Rezko, who was later indicted for corruption and accepting kickbacks. At the same time, Sarah Palin was busy taking on the good old boy network in Alaska politics, exposing corruption within her own party and taking a stand against politics as usual, which led to the resignation of state's Republican Party chaiman as well as the state's Attorney General.

    As Barack Obama was missing almost half (45.5%) his votes in the US Senate while organizing his campaign for President, Sarah Palin was defeating former governor Tony Knowles 48% to 40%, despite being outspent by her political rival.

    Barack Obama was inaugurated into the US Senate in January of 2005, and has been a member of the lowest rated Congress in US History, with all-time low approval ratings between 9% and 15%. After taking office in December 2006, Gov Palin earned approval ratings between 75% and 90% during her first two years in office.

    In 2007, while Barack Obama was busy winning the designation "Most Liberal US Senator" by the National Journal, Sarah Palin, as Governor of Alaska, was killing the "Bridge to Nowhere" project, saving US Taxpayers $200 million.

    Last year, while Barack Obama was talking about energy policy, Gov. Sarah Palin was drafting, introducing, and getting passed, a bill called the Alaska Gasline Inducement Act, which would build a $26 billion natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to the Lower 48, helping reduce America's dependence of foreign energy.

    This year, while Barack Obama was criticizing a campaign to eliminate the Federal Tax on gasoline to help consumers, Sarah Palin was suspending the Alaska state tax on gasoline and returning $1200 of increased energy revenues to Alaska's families.

    Through all of this, Sarah Palin was also busy running a private business and raising a family of five children, the oldest of which has joined the Army and is deploying to Iraq next month."

    Author Paul (supporter of McCain/Palin)

    Think Gov Palin has more experience then the two men the Democrats put on their ticket.

  16. Biden will straight up obliterate Palin in a debate.

  17. I would say Palin.

  18. Biden represents 30 years of a Senate that has a 9% approval rating.

    Palin - will take McCain to the whitehouse, people want change not the same old party paty politics of a Joe Biden.

  19. How about Dem pres pick vs Rep Pick...much more telling..we know who has the most experience.

  20. Both great picks for each candidate in my opinion. For different reasons though. Biden in my opinion has more experience as a politician, and in national affairs, etc. But I believe Palin will realistically give McCain a better shot at the white house, then Biden would. Just look at the last 3 days, I don't think McCain's campaign has had this much attention in his whole time running, and his campaign contributions spiked because of her.  

  21. McCain's pick is a great danger for the U.S.

  22. There's no arguing that Biden has more experience.  He's been in the senate since she was a kid.

    As for which one will win, I really can't say.

  23. The important message the Democrats sent is inexperienced men are qualified to be President. Inexperienced women are not qualified.

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