
Obama's autobiography speaks of his past drug use, including cocaine, DO YOU KNOW BARRACK OBAMA?

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Obama has written about his drug use before in his memoir, "Dreams from My Father."

"Junkie. Pothead. That's where I'd been headed: the final fatal role of the young would be black man," Obama wrote. Mostly he smoked marijuana and drank alcohol, Obama wrote, but occasionally he would snort cocaine when he could afford it.

For all of you left wingers that say find facts to support that claim, that is directly quoted from Obama's autobiography. If you want to vote for the man maybe you should read his book and find out what a racist and illicit drug user looks like. I bet you didnt know Obama is a chain smoker, Obama doesnt want you to see that becuase the majority of the country, (EVEN CALIFORNIA THE MOST LIBERAL State) hates smokers.

MCCAIN will blow Obama away in Nov.




  1. You must the just read this book.  Most Obama supports read this books years ago.  Your late to party.

  2. Just what we need, a coke fiend for a president.

  3. I never was for Bush, I was for Alan Keyes, who was by the way the one that ran against Obama in Illinois Senate race. Alan Keyes is a black man, Roman Catholic and far better than Obama.  The media is left-wing, and Freemasons and Rockerfellers run it, by the way, Rockerfellers back Bush and now Obama, so you want Politics as usual.  And having Biden that only means the same ole Freemasons going to keep running the USA.

    I have read Obama's books, and frankly if the average American read them at the library, so they don't have to make Obama richer for the books being purchases.  He is two-faced and shallow and like it's been known he needs the teleprompter to talk. It will be all there for us when the debates start and there is not one teleprompter for Obama or McCain, and then it will be interesting to watch Biden vs. Palin.  I am so looking forward to these debates.

    As for drug taking, most of the Senate takes drugs, and as I said in my past posts, there should be mandatory drug testing.

    I never was for any person who take cocaine.  There judgement will be off.  

    In 2012 I would hope we have the Govenor of Louisana running for President cause I had orginally wanted him for VP, but he is busy taking care of the Hurricanes.  Well I have said enough.

  4. Bush is still our president and his alcoholism and cocaine use don't bother you?

  5. That didn't stop Bush, an admitted cocaine snorter from becoming President.  I don't get it.  You have issues if Obama did it but not GW?  Hypocritical?

  6. I do believe he graduated from not one but two Ivy league Universities.  I just don't know who Sarah Palen is.

  7. What is the role of campaign staff?  

    Obama hasn't made a big deal out of it, this post was the first I heard about Palin's drug use and nobody who has a brain thinks this means anything moving forward.

    Why do you think if a campaign staffer says something, that everyone else who supports the campaign follows in lockstep?  

    Oh, and sorry but most people don't hate smokers.  They hate ciggarette smoke.  Its part of that whole "hate the sin, not the sinner" concept you keep twisting.

  8. Really...we had 8 years of a Texas Alcoholic idiot, and you're blabbing about some sourceless c**p you got of the internet.  

  9. I know obama as well as I know cocaine fiend/alcoholic george w bush, boozer/firearms disaster d**k cheney and draft-dodging chickenhawk/junkie rush limpbaugh, which is barely.

  10. i don't care so long as he only did it for a short period - unlike bush, who drank heavily for over 20 years leading to brain damage.

    and yes i knew obama was a smoker, just like john mccain was.

  11. His people are aware but that doesn't stop them for voting for him. I wonder how he plans on having all these programs when the money is coming from the upper middle class that can't possibly be enough. Wait till these voters realize he will be taxing their retirement funds such as 401k's 30% that is what capital gains tax is now it's at 15%. This man and Biden have no clue as to run this country they want to cut military defense and that effects national security and have socialized medicine it does not work in Europe why does he think it will in America? Save America vote McCain08'

  12. Obama: Cokehead

    Bush: Cokehead and alcoholic

    Clinton: Adulterer

    McCain: Adulterer

    What is this country coming to?

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