
Obama's donations better than Gores, but less than mine.?

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"Up until recent years when their income increased sharply from book revenues and a Senate salary, Obama's family donated a relatively minor amount of its earnings to charity. From 2000 through 2004, the senator and his wife never gave more than $3,500 a year in charitable donations -- about 1 percent of their annual earnings. In 2005, however, that total jumped to $77,315 (4.7 percent of annual earnings), and to $60,307 in 2006 (6.1 percent)."

Wow what a concerned person for the nations poor. Another big government do as I say not as I do liberal expecting the rest of us to pay for his "dream".




  1. Actually, if you include the 6 million dollars Cindy McCain reported on her income taxes, that means his family only donated about 1.5% of his families income.

    If you don't include McCain's wife, then you are comparing apples to oranges.

    Also, that is assuming that all income was properly reported and nobody was using loopholes to hide money.

  2. mcSame is worth over 100 million.According to him Obama is not rich.

  3. and why am i not shocked?  lol.  obama can "talk the talk", that's for sure.  but he seldom "walks the walk".  

  4. I'm impressed with McCain.

    He may not have been so generous in 2006 and i'm sure that he probably increased giving to impress people and get votes but still, over 1/4 of your paycheck  is a very unselfish amount to give to charity.

  5. i think he should take at least half of what he donates and give to his brother and family sounds like to me they need it badly, and also i think he needs to hire a valet for his wife, that woman has horrid taste in clothes. she could use a makeover!

  6. Perhaps their student loans were finally paid off and were able to contribute more.  Perhaps the years they gave less money it was because they were donating more time.  You don't know, so don't try to draw conclusions before you have all the facts.  

    OH blow it out your @$$, you're still drawing conclusions to things you don't know, and you obviously have a bias on this issue so you're slanting it in your to your own political views.  I'm wagering to bet you didn't have college debt from a place like Harvard Law School.  I'm wagering to bet you went to some podunk state university, and only have a bachelor's degree.  See, not too nice to draw conclusions without having all the facts, is it???

    I would also be more impressed with charitable giving if it wasn't claimed on income taxes.

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