
Obama's hair trigger comment....?

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Before Palin’s speech was even concluded, the Obama team released a statement calling Palin an abortion-rights opponent and "the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience."

When it was pointed out that he himself has zero foreign policy experience and served for a mere 142 days as a state senator prior to launching his campaign and that his attack was ungracious considering the very gracious message that McCain sent to Obama on the day of his speech Obama replied: "I think, you know, campaigns start getting these hair triggers.” And then backpedaled with a half *** congratulation message to Palin.

How can we trust someone who acknowledges his bad judgment hair trigger? Those type of hair trigger statements to Russia or Iran or North Korea could well launch a war.

Don’t you think that as this campaign continues Obama shows himself more and more duplicitous, political, and unprepared?




  1. They trust someone whose policies are now completely different than the ones he had 6 months ago, so do you really think they're paying attention?

  2. First off you are incorrect - he served 142 days as a U.S. Senator before launching his campaign. He served two full terms as a state senator. He also does have foreign policy experience serving on the Senate Foreign Relations committee and traveling throughout the world as part of the senate convoy.

    The statement is correct - she is a former mayor of a town of 9000 and she has zero foreign policy experience.

    Why and how was his congratulations message half-"baked"?

  3. What part of his comment  was false??

    I noticed you didn't address this...

  4. I honestly don't think those were Obama's words, but it did come from some very naive folks within his camp. It baffles me how anyone inside the Obama camp would have the AUDACITY to lecture the America people on experience and qualifications when Obama lacks both so glaringly. Yet, another double standard.

  5. ""I think, you know, campaigns start getting these hair triggers"

    So Obama tosses his campaign speakers under the bus now!!!

    What next is he going to toss his supports under the bus, next.

  6. The GOP's support of big business/old money at the expense of the common American has enabled corporations to ship many of our good jobs overseas, so the executives could save a few $ for stockholders, and get their bonuses, while the rest of us have to worry about having a job.

    The Republicans believe that a woman does NOT have the "right to choose" whether to have an abortion.

    The McCain/GOP war in Iraq has cost us $3 TRILLION!! That's $10,000 PER PERSON! It has not found WMD or bin Laden, cost 4,000+ US lives, and had no justification! I could have used that $10,000 back in MY pocket.

    It is ironic that Republicans criticize Democrats as tax-and-spend liberals, yet this Republican administration has done more to increase the US' federal deficit than any other administration in history (they are the "New Democrats"!).  The US now owes $10 TRILLION (or $30,000 per person);  do they think our debtors (mostly China) are going to forgive that?  

    Do they think the voters will not remember this in November?


  7. Obama didn't say that.  Bill Burton said it.  Get your facts straight.


    Because what I heard Obama say is that "that's one more hit against that glass ceiling."

  8. Yes.  He did a lot of hemming and hawwing then came up with that hair trigger comment.  I guess he cracks under pressure too.  We all know he has a hair trigger disposition.  Do we really want this man's hand on "the red button?"  

    What a jerk!  This guy is a d**n joke!  He hates America, he has racist mentors, cronies, and belief system (Black Theology), he wants to give our $ and freedom to the UN......And people still say the negative aspects of his character, voting record and personal beliefs are lies.

    Obama claims he is a Christian, but he is pro-choice?  And Biden is a pro-choice Catholic?  I think that is an oxymoron.  

    Obama  may have prestigious educational credentials and currently is an Illinos senator, but he has never been a LEADER, which is what this country needs right now.   Palin has been mayor for 2 terms and is now Governor of Alaska.  

    It really boils down to this:  We can either restore pride and solidarity in America or or give away our power to the UN and begin global communism.   McCain would surely veto Obama's Global Poverty Act S.2433 if it lands on his desk.  [It has already passed the house, scary isn't it!]  Choose wisely this November.

  9. "Duplicitous" and "politician" are synonymous, I think.  But Obama cannot throw stones at the McCain/Palin ticket for lack of experience.  He is a first-term senator, who has spent the majority of his term campaigning for the Presidency, not actually legislating.  

    His pick of Biden signals "more of the same" government, not change of any real substance.

    More and more I think the populace needs to examine character issues in the lives of our political leaders, because those issues will be a greater determiner of leadership under fire than will experience in office.

  10. Please correct your answer...

    FACT #1 Obama was Member of the Illinois Senate from the 13th district from January 8, 1997 – November 4, 2004, then he became US Senator until now.

          -Obama has a BA in International Relations

          -Graduated Magna CumLaude from Harvard University

          -Author of two books

          -Community organizer

          -Constitutional Law Professor

    FACT #2  Palin is an abortion-rights opponent and the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience.

    FACT#3 Obama has more education thatn John McCain!!!

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