
Obama's hyped up Berlin rip-off of JFK's Berlin rally. Too much too soon?

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Ich bin ein copy-cat? All show with little substance? It seems wrong to me to make such huge gestures while still campaigning. How can he deliver any of this if he doesn't win?




  1. no

  2. Too much, full stop.  The Democrats have made a terrible mistake with this increasingly right wing closet warmonger.  I hesitate to imagine what drew people to listen other than sheer naivete.

    Just as the New Labour criminals, far from delivering desperately hoped-for change,  sent British soldiers to die in America's criminal wars,  this sordid charlatan is showing clearly who his real employers are - and they will not be the US electorate.

    The peoples of Europe have to stop the sacrifice of their young people in these evil imperial wars.  It's no good looking to a new president - the writing is already on the wall that he will have as much blood on his hands as Muff and Blair.  We must stop European participation in these crimes, and I wish the young Germans who turned out to listen to this tuppenny actor would realise it.

  3. I'm an Obama supporter and I get what your saying. I think this is his way of showing America what he can do 4 us as president. He can go to countries all over Europe and show them Americans aren't so bad! He can help Americas tarnished image in the world and we in return gain respect b/c we dont look so arrogant.Obama is interested in what other people have to say unlike John Mcsame as Bush!!

  4. Not too much for shallow minded people who probably have no idea who JFK was. People just want to "feel better about America" as one liberal spokesperson said on Fox News yesterday. Substance isn't a part of it for many voters.

  5. Ich bin der Praisdent!  It's really too much!  I am totally in shock in many ways regarding Obama, and the people who just don't get it.  It's truly a phenomena that will be written in history books.  I think he will win, and we'll all be sorry, except for the elitist.  

    That trip was a campaign strategy to raise money, and that's the first reason he didn't go to the hospital to see the wounded soldiers.  Then he wanted to take his entrourage with him, but the army said nothing doing.

  6. If you're talking about a copycat of JFK's speech in Berlin, look no further than that piece of c**p Ronald Reagan.

    When the CIA saw that the people of Berlin were massing at the wall to take it down, POS Reagan raced over there to ham it up for the cameras.

    We are still paying for Reagan's deficit spending.

    We are also still paying for his support of Saddam and Osama.

    President Barack Obama will bring honor and dignity back to the White House.

    That's why so many Europeans are coming out to see him.

    After 8 years of Bush's failures, it will be good to have a Patriotic Christian like Obama in the White House.

    It's funny how much the Bush/McCain propagandists are whining about Obama's trip.

    They just can't stand to see America move forward.

  7. According to the media and Barack himself, he is the President.... of the W O R L D.

  8. I'm watching a video right now actually, I think it's pretty sweet. I love listening to him!

  9. Because he is NOT a member of the Keating Five.

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