
Obama's immigration plan?

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Does it allow Kenyan men to come to America, get a woman pregnant and go back to Kenya without the childcare costs? Just curious.




  1. ooohhhh...the truth hurts...just because that is what his daddy did is not reason for you to think that is his policy. lololololol But is my wife was as arrogant and bitchey as his seems to be then I would  do that

  2. HUH?  Obama is an open borders type isn't he and it has been reported that he wants to pay for healthcare for immigrants...just stay here.

  3. That's also what I heard his immigration plan was! Maybe Barack Hussein Obama should move to Kenya or Germany since he loves those countries so very very much.

  4. It's unusual, however, nowadays are taking place more and more important events on earth.  

  5. As long as you give money to the DNC the plan will overlook any discrepancies, like criminal records.

  6. whatever...

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