
Obama's promises sound good but is he white enough??

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Obama's promises sound good but is he white enough??

Not so long ago blacks were saying.."is he black enough?" well, what about his whiteness?? is he white enough to support the white americans equally to the blacks?




  1. i think the real question is- does he prefer cola or grape soda?

    if he can answer us that- then we will know.

    people should be more interested in Ron Paul.

    look him up- hes the one.

  2. I think he is one of them

  3. I don't think his race is important at all. Some people will support him because is is black and others will refuse to support him because he is black. Why don't we focus on his ideas instead of his color?

  4. Obama has played his card well, he become black in "black state" and become white in "white state". Despite of the fact that he is actually Kenyan. His roots is not the black American . His father is a muslim Kenyan who left him when he was 2 years old. Then his step father is a muslim Indonesian. You can ask every muslim you know, ask them to answer honestly, the son of a muslim will always be muslim regardless the religion of the mother. And we all know that muslim cannot (yet) become American president, just like a non-muslim cannot become president of Indonesia or Kenya.

    I'm not anti muslim, but I think Obama should be HONEST.

    And, last time when he lose, he said "with name Barack Obama ... ". Isn't he clever when making a plea.

    I know it is quite easy to make plea to white people (yes, white people is really has good heart, I say it honestly). They might vote for him simply just because they don't want to be ACCUSED as RACIST.

    Don't be surprised that when he become Pres, he will always make people calm with his sweet nothing, because as usual , he speak what people want to hear.

    When things get worst, don't be surprised that he will say that it is always NOT his fault.

    To Americans, please, please this time really think one thousand times, because your vote is not only about your own fate, it decide the fate of all Americans, and the fate of the world. YOUR VOTE DECIDE MY FATE.

    Making promise is what he good at.

    About doing what he promised, I would not take a huge risk for that. Obama had the chance to show his quality as a congress member, but with such tactic "Present, but not vote", can you depend on him ?

  5. I have a question for you. Why is this in the home school section?

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