
Obama's support of Bush's FISA (warrantless domestic spying on Americans in the USA)?

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Obama became the democratic front runner by taking on positions that were more liberal than the other candidates (including Hillary).

And then, after Hillary dropped out of nomination process, Obama supported Bush's FISA.


Do any of the original Obama maniacs feel betrayed by Obama's sudden support of Bush's warrant less domestic spying agenda FISA (after Hillary suspended her candidacy)??


How do the Obama maniacs justify it to themselves (given the link I showed you, above) that Obama did NOT betray his liberal-democrat supporters, by supporting a spying program that is ridiculed by liberals??


If I can forgive Obama for supporting Bush's FISA, then could I also forgive Bush for exactly the same thing????





  1.   I can only respond, with one tragic fact from your question.  Obama had made a "VOW" that he would filibuster this Bill when it came to the floor.  2 weeks BEFORE it was to hit the floor, 22,000 plus hard core Obama supporters, sent an E-MAIL, reminding Obama of his pledge. Then as we all know, Obama voted for it, with NO discussion or debate.    Too bad one of those 22,000 plus aren't in here to answer your question.  "they" became just another "kick to the curb" like SO many, many others in Obamas pursuit of his ambitions.

  2. If Obama supports it I would'nt be surprised if McCain would further it.

  3. They don't care about the issues, they will believe what Obama tells them to!!!

  4. First,  Your link is broken.

    Second ... you severely mischaracterised what FISA is and is no  used for as well as what Obama supports.

    Obama does NOT support Bush's illegal domestic spying because it was OUTSIDE of FISA.  FISA allows the federal government some leverage in monitoring citizens but it is under the control of the FICA (court assigned to FISA).   Bush went outside the court making his actions ILLEGAL.

    Obama stated that he agrees with the new legislation because it lists that FICA IS THE ONLY METHOD an administration can use thus explicitly making Bush's actions illegal.

    From the article in the source link:

    "Obama came down on the side of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who argued that a provision in the new law reaffirmed that FISA, and that act's courts, gives the final say over government spying. President Bush has argued that a war-time chief executive has powers that trump FISA.

    "It restores FISA and existing criminal wiretap statutes as the exclusive means to conduct surveillance -- making it clear that the President cannot circumvent the law," Obama said today."

  5. This is the kind of question that Obama supporters just ignore.  I've asked similar questions before & the only response is from the Republicans.  lol

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