
Obama's work record, and Sarah's..........?

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Obama has worked in the Senate 143 days since 2004. I wonder how many days Sarah Palin has worked in public service since 2004? What do you think of all this? Couldn't Obama do better in the Senate, where he is getting paid? What do Illinois residents feel about their Senator being 'absent' so much?




  1. Regina,we all could do better,and with all the problems in Life today, I do not think Illinois residents are concerned about the Senator's attendance record!

  2. You had best stop asking such stupid questions and do you research.  Palin has worked longer within the community, AND within Government than has Obama.  

  3. I'm from Chicago and I'm happy about the prospect of Obama becoming President and GLAD he is taking this time to run

    at least I know he won't be getting $40 million dollar earmarks for cities in Illinois with less tha 5000 people !!

  4. Sarah Palin has worked no-stop in public office since 1992, and has actually had to be accountable for her decisions, She has over an 80% approval rating, and is the only one on either ticket to have executive experience, while Obama voted present a bunch of times, and knows how to repeat a good speech.  But this is not about Palin/Obama it is about McCain Obama, and Palin/Biden, remember our #2 has more experience than their #1!!!!!!!! Obama has never finished a term in office before he went off and started campaigning, what is he going to campaign for if he becomes president

  5. I just drove across the state of Illinois, from bottom to top, and saw three Obama signs. What does that tell you?

  6. During the Republican primaries, actor Chuck Norris also cited McCain’s age as a factor in his own decision to support former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

    “That’s why I didn’t pick John to support, because I’m just afraid the vice president will wind up taking over his job within that four-year presidency,” Norris explained in January.

  7. One of your responders stated that they would rather you had simply said you didn't want a black president than to come up with stuff like you did.  So - "Toni," this is for you;  WE DON'T WANT A BLACK PRESIDENT - UNLESS THEY ARE COMPETENT!  Now, knowing that you wouldn't know "competent" if it bit you on the butt, here's a partial list of competent blacks for whom conservative whites would vote:

    1. J. C. Watts - former US Congressman from Oklahoma

    2. Condi Rice - US Sec. of State

    3. Clarance Thomas - US Supreme Court Justice

    Toni, there are many, many more that I'll not name because you probably don't know the three I did list as none of them are hip hop rappers and other cr*p that you Obama supporters soak up your days with.

    NOTE to YA about that "caps lock" none sense;  I WAS SCREAMING!

    Poor Toni - so you DON'T know who the three I listed are....

  8. They probably don't care - only want their local guy in office.  If Americans choose Obama, they deserve what they get!

  9. her gov. record shows shes more exprience than Barrack, still they are both new blood which is good

  10. Careful they don't want the truth!

  11. We are fine with it. He is gearing up for a much more important job. Barack has done a fine job in the Illinois Senate. We are very proud of him and will be even prouder when he is elected President of the United States.  Thanks for asking.

  12. I'll take Obama's work record in the Senate over whats-her-names.  

  13. I don't care. I want him to work in the white house. I want Sarah to work on not allowing her daughter to get pregnant again before marriage.

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