While in the Illinois legislature B. Obama opposed legislature that would allow babies who born due to an abortion going wrong to be given medical attention.
Due to the efforts of Barac Obama babies who are now born alive in Illinois, due to an abortion gone wrong, are placed into a hospital room (many times the basements of hospitals) and left to die alone without any medical help. Not even a pain reliever.
How can this be considered anything but murder in cold blood? How can you support a man who would be this cold hearted?
Perhaps Mr. Obama should look into the eyes of those innocent new born babies who as being born in America, by law should be protected under the Constitution as they lay their full of life but lifeless at the same time, cut to pieces by a money hungry doctor and an immature mother and father, and hold them as they slowly die. Perhaps he should watch them as the fight for every breath and call it a choice.
This is not political bull c**p spin... this is factual. How can you support anyone who vote for this- Republican or Democrat?