
Obama Assasination Plot?

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According to this article:

someone may have been trying to kill Obama... but WHY?

DOing that would just make him a maryter! Then we'd be celebrating his Birthday every year!

I dont think they want that...




  1. That's silly. Those were racist boys without much motive. They were really involved in selling drugs and unlikely able to carry out any threat. What you need to realize is that Obama is a good old boy who supports the establishment as much as any other Republican or Democrat.

    Obama is tapping into the money and is not going to hurt the American status quo. The rich will ge richer and the average American will continue to come up short.

  2. Who said right-wingers are smart?

    look what they got this country into over the last 8 years

  3. This case is just a freak one. No I'm sure McCain has threats too. NO they won't celebrate his birthday every year.  

  4. they don't like him and probably did not know that we'd celebrate his birthday through assasination.

    a mourining day in his honor is the least of their worries

  5. Of course, people will try to kill him, some have already been arrested for plotting to kill him

  6. People are trying to kill him because they don't want a black president. Racists are mentally challenged and cannot see past his skin color, even though he is qualified and can change America for the better. It is sad even worse when their racism is so subconscious they cannot even detect it. They make excuses that he's underqualified or even try to convince themselves he is a secret terrorist just to NOT vote for him or even at all but when they know d**n well if he was a white man with blue eyes there would be no question. These racists could care less about America, America could be blown into a trillion pieces as long as a black man isn't president. I pity them.

  7. he will end up killing himself in a terrorist attack. it's the muslim way........................

  8. it was soon decided that it wasn't a plot to kill him

    i wouldn't be surprised if it was arranged by the dems to create interest in their convention and to make people think that obama was such an important figure that some would want to silence him

    it was all a load of rubbish - as were his false promises at his acceptance speech

    this man is not JFK or MLK - he is just good at reading speeches written by someone else most hollywood actors

  9. Another dead ****** story

    - Pulp Fiction

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