
Obama/Biden down by two?

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Obama/Biden continue to dive downward in the polls and enjoyed no bounce from the DNC Convention. Palin raised a record ten million dollars in just two days after being announced as VP and the Hilliary supporters are flocking to the McCain/Palin ticket. My question is: How much will Obama/Biden be beaten by? 10%, 20%, 30% or more?




  1. Your off by 10%.

    Obama is n the lead by 8%. 3% from the conventon and 5% thanks to McBush's choice of Farah Failing.  

  2. LOL you had to go with the only poll that shows that McCain is leading huh?   Gallup the most respectable poll out there  Obama 50 McCain 42   Rasmussen tracking Obama 51 -McCain 45    now if you want to actually try and say something try using a reliable source there buddy

  3. I am one of the  Hilliary supporters flocking

    McCain/Palin I ope a lot more of them are to,,You should vote for the good of your country not just for your party,, Hilliary soiad the only thing Obama had was a spech belive her

  4. September 2, 2008

    Gallup Daily:

    Obama Hits 50% for First TimeLeads McCain by eight percentage points, 50% to 42%

  5. by enough to avoid another recount in florida (or anywhere).  We are still hearing the echo of sour grapes over Bush the first and second time.  I hope it will be a landslide so the arguing will subside.

  6. they are not going to be beaten by any amount. can we say zero!

  7. A Zogby poll showed McCain's "surprise announcement Friday of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate -- some 16 hours after Democrat Barack Obama's historic speech accepting his party's presidential nomination -- has possibly stunted any Obama convention bump. ... The latest nationwide survey, begun Friday afternoon after the McCain announcement of Palin as running mate and completed mid-afternoon today, shows McCain/Palin at 47%, compared to 45% support for Obama/Biden." The online survey was conducted Aug. 29-30, and polled 2,020 likely voters nationwide.  

  8. Where do u get your facts?  Someone is lying to you.  Most of Hillary supporters don't like Palin because of her stance on abortion.  Where on earth do you get these screwed up facts?  You need to never ever go to that site again.

    I'm sorry to have to burst your bubble,  Baby it's OBAMA '8

  9. I think this is false every poll I have seen since the DNC even ones I saw this morning have Obama leading 5-9 points.  I think your link was spam, pop ups came up when I clicked your link.  R u a BOT?

    I think McCain will LOSE by 10

  10. Wrong, wrong, and wrong--as usual.

    Obama/Biden aren't dropping in polls, they did get a bounce from the convention, McCain only raised $7M in 2 days--which is partly due to the relief efforts in the Gulf--Hillary supporters are *not* flocking to the McCain/Palin ticket. Not by a longshot.

  11. I hope he's beaten by 100%. I'm glad to see that Americans are coming to realize what a socialist this man is.

  12. We can only hope that it is a land slide! 99%! because if not welcome yourself to the United Socialist States of America (USSA)

    OMG, her daughter is pregnant and un-wed! we all know that never happens to good God fearing people through out American, particularly in  the black community. And gosh we all know that BHO's mom was a married women, NOT!

    OMG, she has only been a manager, a Mayor and a Governor, she don't have the experience needed to be VP (I forgot Mother of 5 in there

    ) That experience has her better suited to be VP than BHO's limited experience to be President.

    OMG, she belongs to a church that has a Minister that preachers the word of God, and we all know that is worse than a Minister that preaches racism, anti white and anti American beliefs.

    OMG, we all have heard her beliefs on a number of issues and seen it repeatedly on blogs, the internet and CNN, but we have NEVER heard BHO bad mouthing his Grandmother who raised him (typical white women) we have never heard about those gun totting, bible thumping rednecks that work for a living and of course we never heard about JJ wanting to castrate him.

    I feel it is really sad that 90 percent of the BHO supporters will not (can not) defend his previous actions and will attack a 17yo.

    I figure that this will get numerous thumbs down and maybe even get reported, but you know, what the hey? It is the truth, prove me wrong!

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