
Obama-Edwards ticket?

by Guest32915  |  earlier

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I am voting for the Opera, Obama-Edwards ticket. How about you?




  1. How about Clinton Gore, then both families can share the White house again......

  2. That would be a good ticket.  Obama-Biden (or vice versa) would be good too.

  3. I'll be voting Ron Paul. The only canidate who respects the constitution.

  4. It would be a good ticket.  Their platforms are probably the most compatible of the major candidates especially regarding the ethics and edicts against lobbyists.

  5. No, I don't think that would be a good ticket.  For one thing, Edwards already lost the vice presidency once and nobody likes a loser.  And, he does not have the kind of experience to counterbalance any perceived deficiencies in Obama's experience.  

    Obama would need a southern, male, moderate with some executive experience and some knowledge inside the Washington beltway for balance.  Former Virginia Governor Mark Warner (also a former United States Senator) comes to mind.  Someone like him.

    Clinton-Obama sounds like a losing combination, too.  I think the country might be ready for a woman or a black, but not both on the same ticket.

    And, how about Obama-Gore??  Quite a coupe if Barack could convince him to run as vp again.

  6. Obama-Edwards ticket is good but Clinton-Obama ticket is better and will be unbeatable in 2008 elections.

    VOTE for your choice as US President on my 360 degrees blog and know who will likely win.

  7. I consider it a landslide!!!  How about Clinton-Obama?

  8. Surely you jest!  Obama a Muslim and an illegal lover...and someone who REFUSES respect to our flag?  Edwards who has been campaigning since he lost the last time and also is an illegal lover?  Don't you care about the future of our country???

  9. I love the idea of a Clinton Gore ticket. Would rather see a Gore/Clinton ticket. However, that would be a formidable pair that would make great changes in the country and in the world.
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