
Obama/Kuchinich Or Obama/Hillary woulda been perfect don't you think!!!?

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I never liked teh guy when he was runnin for president he seems like a total lamewad like mitt romney but a liberal

this is just like 2004 when kerry picked that idiot edwards

WHY DO THEY ppl i like for VP ever? thsi is sgoing to have a hugeeffect many ppl if they dont like the VP they aint going to vote for the president taht has him an i dontl ike biden

I hate his state i hate his attitude i hate eveyrthin about biden kuchinich stands for somethin an bleieves in something so does hillary biden doesnt




  1. Too many wild-cards with taking Hillary for a running mate. I wouldn't take that bitter woman she never once said she was sorry for anything she did wrong like suggesting Obama might get killed so she should stick around.

    Then there's big Bill what the h**l do yo do with this guy.

    I think Hillary burned too many bridges trying to get the nomination.

  2. What  would be perfect would be him dropping out and getting on with HIS work in the Senate.

  3. Hillery would be the only possible way he could get my vote. The more you know that guy the less you like him his approval rating by November will be 20%. I'm so sick of democratic leadership they're total buffoons.

  4. I don't think you have a clue about what you are talking about.  Biden is like Mitt Romney?  What?  Mitt Romney is a political chameleon and a phony, changing his stands to fit the poltical opportunities.  Joe Biden is a consistent and intelligent man with a wealth of experience, integrity and a history of working well with Senators from the other party.  I think Biden brings a great deal to the ticket.  He was my first choice for President so this is the next best thing.

  5. No, Biden has credentials in foreign policy that Obama lacks. He is chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and is acquainted with all the major world leaders. He is also a very good debater, and will rip Romney (or whoever McCain selects) to shreds.

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