
Obama Recession or Depression. Where is this country heading, and are we willing to make another mistake?

by Guest57657  |  earlier

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In 2000, the majority did not speak, and in 2004, the majority did not speak but allowed our hearts to be ruled by FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real). In 2008, we are just as fickle as we set up double standards for a female presidental candidate, shift our prejudice from race to religion, and get suck-in to the media mavens choices.




  1. He has not yet been elected and when the light is shined on him there will be greater revelations than--Recession or Depression---the man will be known: In an interview with Ophra he gave his church affiliation and here is its website:

  2. Obama is not a mistake.

    I'm listening to the news, right now.....and some of the New Hampshire voters have already put Obama in the double digits.

    Fear can only lead to change. George Bush gave all the "chicken little's" the sky is falling mentality........he has damaged and caused history to change.

    This is a good thing. Trust me.

  3. Obama is a mistake

    He is an egotistical black male

    that like alot of black males nowadays believe he is

    "god sent"

    I do not want a man ruling America that is "god sent"

    regardless of race

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